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Filters: Author is Lucy Catteau
Antibiotic consumption patterns in older adults: a comparative study of people 65 years and older in and outside nursing homes, Belgium, 2016 to 2022., Kelly, Moira, de Falleur Marc, Maati Allaoui, El, Bonacini Laura, Catry Boudewijn, Latour Katrien, and Catteau Lucy , Euro Surveill, 2024 Nov, Volume 29, Issue 46, (2024)
Antimicrobial Use in Belgian Acute Care Hospitals : Results of the 2022 ECDC Point Prevalence Survey, Catteau, Lucy, Latour Katrien, Pearcy Morgan, and Catry Boudewijn , SHEA Spring, 2024, Houston, USA, (2024)
Area and individual level analyses of demographic and socio-economic disparities in COVID-19 vaccination uptake in Belgium, Hubin, Pierre, Van den Borre Laura, Braeye Toon, Cavillot Lisa, Billuart Matthieu, Stouten Veerle, Nasiadka Léonore, Vermeiren Elias, Van Evercooren Izaak, Devleesschauwer Brecht, et al. , Vaccine: X, Jan-06-2024, Volume 18, (2024)
Assessing the Differences in Outpatient Antibiotic Consumption Between Reimbursement and Sales Data in Belgium, 2013-2022, Damian, Elena, Bonacini Laura, Kelly Moira, Catry Boudewijn, and Catteau Lucy , European Congress of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases, 2024, Barcelona, (2024)
BELGIAN EVALUATION OF ANTIMICROBIAL STEWARDSHIP TEAMS - PERCEPTION SURVEY, Vercheval, Christelle, Briquet Caroline, Damian Elena, Huis In 't Veld Diana, and Catteau Lucy , 10/10/2024, Brussels, Belgium, p.15, (2024)
Disparities in COVID-19 Vaccination in Belgium, Hubin, Pierre, Van den Borre Laura, Braeye Toon, Cavillot Lisa, Billuart Matthieu, Stouten Veerle, Nasiadka Léonore, Vermeiren Elias, Van Evercooren Izaak, Devleesschauwer Brecht, et al. , BAPH Symposium Tackling inequalities in public health, 2024, Brussels, Belgium , (2024)
Epidemiological evolution of scabies in Belgium, 2000-2022, Laisnez, Valeska, Brosius Isabel, Van Bortel Wim, Meudec Marie, Janssens Arne, Madl Julia, Aye Amba Josiane, Bruggeman Lien, Godderis Lode, Dhaeze Wouter, et al. , 2024, (2024)
Estimated number of COVID-19 deaths averted by vaccination in Belgium, Stouten, Veerle, Van Evercooren Izaak, Vernemmen Catharina, Braeye Toon, Billuart Matthieu, Catteau Lucy, Bustos Sierra Natalia, Vermeiren Elias, Nasiadka Léonore, and Van Loenhout Joris , European Journal of Public Health, Apr-10-2026, Volume 34, Issue Supplement_3, (2024)
Estimated number of COVID-19 deaths averted by vaccination in Belgium, Stouten, Veerle, Van Evercooren Izaak, Vernemmen Catharina, Braeye Toon, Billuart Matthieu, Catteau Lucy, Bustos Sierra Natalia, Hubin Pierre, Vermeiren Elias, Nganda Serge, et al. , Scientific Seminar Infectious Diseases, 16/05/2024, Brussels, Belgium, (2024)
Evaluation of the antibiotic management teams (AMT/GGA/ABTBG) : A nationwide survey to describe the current landscape of antimicrobial stewardship (AMS) programs in Belgian hospitals. , Vercheval, Christelle, Briquet Caroline, Huis In 't Veld Diana, and Catteau Lucy , jan 2024, Brusels, Belgium, p.67, (2024)
Healthcare-associated infections and antimicrobial use in Belgian acute care hospitals: Comparison of the 2017 and 2022 point prevalence survey results, Latour, Katrien, Pearcy Morgan, Catry Boudewijn, and Catteau Lucy , ECDC HAI-Net network meeting at the AMR Conference of the Belgian Presidency, 05/2024, Brussels, Belgium, (2024)
Healthcare-Associated Infections and Antimicrobial Use in Belgian Acute Care Hospitals: Results of the 2022 ECDC Point Prevalence Survey, Catteau, Lucy, Latour Katrien, Pearcy Morgan, and Catry Boudewijn , Diagnostic et surveillance des maladies infectieuses, 2024, Brussels, Belgium, (2024)
Impact of the 2020 EUCAST ‘I’ definition on the treatment of Pseudomonas aeruginosa infections: A national multicentric observational study in Belgian hospitals. 33rd International Congress of Antimicrobia, Bonacini, Laura, Catry Boudewijn, and Catteau Lucy , ICC, 2024, (2024)
Influenza like-illness surveillance using a Belgian sentinel network of nursing homes: results of October 2022 onwards, Callies, Milena, Bossuyt Nathalie, Catteau Lucy, Catry Boudewijn, Duysburgh Els, Latour Katrien, Vaes Louise, and Mertens Karl , European Congress of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases, 04/2024, Barcelona, Spain, (2024)
Monitoring community antibiotic consumption in Belgium: reimbursement versus retail data (2013–22), Damian, Elena, Bonacini Laura, Kelly Moira, Maati Allaoui, El, de Noordhout Charline Maertens, Coenen Samuel, Deckers Ivo, De Clercq Sarah, de Falleur Marc, Versporten Ann, et al. , Journal of Antimicrobial Chemotherapy, Jan-01-2025, Volume 80, Issue 1, (2024)
A One-Health approach to monitoring antimicrobial consumption in Belgium 2012-2021, Kelly, Moira, Damian Elena, Bonacini Laura, Dewulf Joroen, Vanderhaeghen Wannes, Dal Pozzo Fabiana, Catry Boudewijn, Catteau Lucy, and Ceyssens Pieter-Jan , ECCMID Global, April 2024, Barcelona, Spain, (2024)
Outpatient Antibiotic Consumption Trends in Belgium: A Comparative Analysis of Reimbursement and Sales Data, 2013-2022, Damian, Elena, Bonacini Laura, Kelly Moira, Catry Boudewijn, and Catteau Lucy , 2024, (2024)
Point prevalence survey of healthcare-associated infections and antimicrobial use in Belgian acute care hospitals : Results of the ECDC-PPS 2022, Catteau, Lucy, Latour Katrien, Pearcy Morgan, and Catry Boudewijn , June 2024, Brusels, Belgium, p.34, (2024)
Prevalence of Healthcare-Associated Infections in Belgian Acute Care Hospitals in 2022 : Results of ECDC Point Prevalence Survey, Catteau, Lucy, Latour Katrien, and Catry Boudewijn , ECCMID Global, April 2024, Barcelona, Spain, (2024)
Sociodemographic and socioeconomic disparities in COVID-19 vaccine uptake in Belgium: a nationwide record linkage study, Cavillot, Lisa, Van Loenhout Joris, Devleesschauwer Brecht, Wyndham-Thomas Chloé, Van Oyen Herman, Ghattas Jinane, Blot Koen, Van den Borre Laura, Billuart Matthieu, Speybroeck Niko, et al. , Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health, Sep-03-2024, Volume 78, Issue 3, (2024)
Trends in Hospital Antibacterial Consumption in Belgium (2017-2021): Evaluating the Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic, Bonacini, Laura, Damian Elena, Catry Boudewijn, and Catteau Lucy , SHEA Spring Conference, 2024, Houston, Texas, (2024)
Trends in Hospital Antibacterial Consumption in Belgium (2017-2021): Evaluating the Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic, Bonacini, Laura, Damian Elena, Catry Boudewijn, and Catteau Lucy , SHEA Spring Conference, (2024)

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