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Exporter 78 resultats:
Filtres: Auteur is Bavo Verhaegen
Voedselvergiftigingen in België - jaaroverzicht 2019,
, 2020, Number 42, Brussels, Belgium, p.42, (2020)
Whole-genome sequencing of serotype 4b isolated from ready-to-eat lentil salad in Algiers, Algeria.,
, New Microbes New Infect, 2020 Jan, Volume 33, (2020)
QuilA-Adjuvanted T. gondii Lysate Antigens Trigger Robust Antibody and IFNγ+ T Cell Responses in Pigs Leading to Reduction in Parasite DNA in Tissues Upon Challenge InfectionImage,
, Frontiers in Immunology, Aug-09-2020, Volume 10, (2019)
Toxi-infections alimentaires en Belgique - Rapport annuel 2018,
, oct 2019, Number 39, Brussels, Belgium, p.39, (2019)
Voedselvergiftigingen in België en in Vlaanderen 2018,
, 10/2019, Brussels, Belgium, p.39, (2019)
Voedselvergiftigingen in Belgie - Jaaroverzicht 2018,
, 10/2019, Brussels, Belgium, p.39, (2019)
Whole-Genome Sequencing of Multidrug-Resistant Escherichia coli Strains Harboring the Gene, Isolated from Seawater of the Algiers Coast in Algeria.,
, Microbiol Resour Announc, 2019 Aug 22, Volume 8, Issue 34, (2019)
Whole-Genome Sequencing of Six Strains of Salmonella enterica Isolated from Imported Meat in Algeria.,
, Microbiol Resour Announc, 2019 Aug 29, Volume 8, Issue 35, (2019)
Pork as a source of transmission of Toxoplasma gondii to humans: a parasite burden study in pig tissues after infection with different strains of Toxoplasma gondii as a function of time and different parasite stages.,
, Int J Parasitol, 2018 Jun, Volume 48, Issue 7, (2018)
Toxi-infections alimentaires en Belgique - Rapport annuel 2017,
, 2018, Number 36, Brussels, Belgium, p.36, (2018)
Voedselvergiftigingen in België - Jaaroverzicht 2017,
, 2018, Number 37, Brussels, Belgium, p.37, (2018)
Intoxications alimentaires en Belgique en 2016,
, 07/2017, Bruxelles, Belgique, p.37, (2017)
Opsporen van STEC-uitscheidende runderen aan de hand van Droplet Digital PCR: Een detectie met duizenden druppels.,
, Labinfo - FAVV, Volume 16, Number 36, (2017)
Voedselvergiftigingen in België en Vlaanderen in 2016,
, 07/2017, Brussel, België, p.37, (2017)
Analyseren van duizenden druppels – Voedselveiligheidsrisico’s detecteren met droplet PCR,
, VMT Voedingsmiddelen, management en technologie, Number 21, (2016)
Comparison of Droplet Digital PCR and qPCR for the Quantification of Shiga Toxin-Producing Escherichia coli in Bovine Feces.,
, Toxins (Basel), 2016 05 18, Volume 8, Issue 5, (2016)
Evaluation of detection methods for non-O157 Shiga toxin-producing Escherichia coli from food.,
, Int J Food Microbiol, 2016 Feb 16, Volume 219, Number 70, p.64-70, (2016)
Genetic relatedness and virulence profile of Shiga toxin-producing Escherichia coli isolated from food in Belgium,
, Twenty-first Conference on Food Microbiology, 0/0/2016, Issue BSFM, NA, (2016)
Voedselvergiftigingen in België 2016,
, 07/2017, Brussels, Belgium, p.37, (2016)
Comparison of Six Chromogenic Agar Media for the Isolation of a Broad Variety of Non-O157 Shigatoxin-Producing Escherichia coli (STEC) Serogroups.,
, Int J Environ Res Public Health, 2015 Jun 17, Volume 12, Issue 6, (2015)
Genetic diversity of Shiga toxin-producing Escherichia coli O157 : H7 recovered from human and food sources.,
, Microbiology, 2015 Jan, Volume 161, Issue Pt 1, p.112-9, (2015)
Growth of Stressed Strains of Four Non-O157 Shiga Toxin-Producing Escherichia coli Serogroups in Five Enrichment Broths.,
, J Food Prot, 2015 Nov, Volume 78, Issue 11, (2015)
Evaluation of a new chromogenic medium for direct enumeration of Campylobacter in poultry meat samples.,
, J Food Prot, 2014 Dec, Volume 77, Issue 12, p.2111-4, (2014)
Genetic diversity of shiga-toxin producing Escherichia coli O157:H7 recovered from human and food sources in Belgium,
, Nineteenth Conference on Food Microbiology, 0/0/2014, Issue =Belgian Society for Food Microbiology vzw/aslb (BSFM, NA, (2014)
Enrichment efficiency of cold and freeze stressed O26 and O111 STEC serotypes,
, 18 th conference of food microbiology, 12/9/2013, Issue BSFM, NA, (2013)