Onglets principaux
Exporter 48 resultats:
Filtres: Auteur is Bernard Brochier
Epidemiologische surveillance van rabiës - 2017,
, 2018, Brussel, p.3, (2018)
Surveillance épidémiologique de la rage - 2017,
, 2018, p.3, (2018)
Belgian Wildlife as Potential Zoonotic Reservoir of Hepatitis E Virus.,
, Transbound Emerg Dis, 2017 Jun, Volume 64, Issue 3, p.764-773, (2017)
Oral vaccination of wildlife using a vaccinia-rabies-glycoprotein recombinant virus vaccine (RABORAL V-RG(®)): a global review.,
, Vet Res, 2017 Sep 22, Volume 48, Issue 1, (2017)
TBE in Belgium,
, TBE in Belgium, 2017, Singapore, p.3, (2017)
First TBEV serological screening in Flemish wild boar.,
, Infect Ecol Epidemiol, 2016, Volume 6, p.31099, (2016)
The Rabies ONEDAY Study: Results of an alternative single visit intradermal pre-exposure vaccination schedule in an open-label randomized clinical trial on rabies boostability,
, Northern European Conference on Travel Medicine, 0/0/2016, Issue ., (2016)
Zoönosen en vectoroverdraagbare ziekten. Samenvattend jaaroverzicht 2015,
, Okt 2016, Brussel, België, p.17, (2016)
Zoonoses et maladies à transmission vectorielle. Surveillance épidémiologique en Belgique - Synthèse annuelle 2015,
, Oct 2016, Bruxelles, Belgique, p.22, (2016)
First operational use of V-RG in Europe.,
, Rabies in the Americas (RITA) - XXVI Conference, 0/0/2015, Issue RITA, NA, (2015)
Impact of a trace element supplementation programme on health and performance of cross-breed (Bos indicus x Bos taurus) dairy cattle under tropical farming conditions: a double-blinded randomized field trial36964,
, J.Anim Physiol Anim Nutr.(Berl), 0/6/2015, Volume 99, Issue 3, Number 541, p.531 - 541, (2015)
Serologic screening for 13 infectious agents in roe deer (Capreolus capreolus) in Flanders.,
, Infect Ecol Epidemiol, 2015, Volume 5, p.29862, (2015)
Zoönosen en Vector-Overdraagbare Ziekten. Epidemiologische surveillance in België, 2013 en 2014,
, Dec 2015, Brussel, België, p.114, (2015)
Zoonoses et maladies à transmission vectorielle. Surveillance épidémiologique en Belgique, 2013 et 2014,
, 12/2015, Bruxelles, Belgique, p.116, (2015)
Autochthonous tick-borne encephalitis virus-seropositive cattle in Belgium: a risk-based targeted serological survey.,
, Vector Borne Zoonotic Dis, 2014 Sep, Volume 14, Issue 9, p.640-7, (2014)
Connaissez-vous le virus de l'encéphalite à tiques?36937,
, Médisphère, 19/8/2014, Volume 451, (2014)
Estimation of hepatitis E virus (HEV) pig seroprevalence using ELISA and Western blot and comparison between human and pig HEV sequences in Belgium.,
, Vet Microbiol, 2014 Aug 27, Volume 172, Issue 3-4, p.407-14, (2014)
Impact of a trace element supplementation programme on health and performance of cross-breed (Bos indicus x Bos taurus) dairy cattle under tropical farming conditions: a double-blinded randomized field trial,
, J.Anim Physiol Anim Nutr.(Berl), 3/7/2014, Volume 99, Issue 3, Number 541, p.531 - 541, (2014)
No evidence of coronavirus infection by reverse transcriptase-PCR in bats in Belgium.,
, J Wildl Dis, 2014 Oct, Volume 50, Issue 4, p.969-71, (2014)
Pourquoi encore se préoccuper de la rage ?36936,
, Medisphère, 0/0/2014, Volume 05/2014, (2014)
Emergence of the deadly Middle East Respiratory Syndrome coronavirus: are bats to blame?,
, Fifth Belgian Wildlife Disease Society (BWDS) Congress, 18/10/2013, Issue Belgian Wildlife Disease Society (BWDS), NA, (2013)
Favourable outcome in a patient bitten by a rabid bat infected with the European bat lyssavirus-1.,
, Acta Clin Belg, 2013 Jan-Feb, Volume 68, Issue 1, p.54-8, (2013)
Favourable outcome of a bite incident by a rabid bat infected with the European bat lyssavirus-1,
, 0/0/2013, Brussels, p.-, (2013)
Infectivity of rabies virus-exposed macrophages.,
, Microbes Infect, 2013 Feb, Volume 15, Issue 2, p.115-25, (2013)
La rage des chauves-souris, petit rappel bien nécessaire avant la saison estival33960,
, Echos des Rhinos, 1/6/2013, Volume 79, Number 5, p.4 - 5, (2013)