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Filtres: Auteur is Ann Brigitte Cay
Semi‐quantitative risk assessment by expert elicitation of potential introduction routes of African swine fever from wild reservoir to domestic pig industry and subsequent spread during the Belgian outbreak (2018–2019), Mauroy, Axel, Depoorter Pieter, Saegerman Claude, Cay Ann Brigitte, De Regge Nick, Filippitzi Maria‐Eleni, Fischer Claude, Laitat Martine, Maes Dominiek, Morelle Kevin, et al. , Transboundary and Emerging Diseases, Jan-09-2021, Volume 68, Issue 5, (2021)
Strategy to Develop and Evaluate a Multiplex RT-ddPCR in Response to SARS-CoV-2 Genomic Evolution., Van Poelvoorde, Laura, Gand Mathieu, Fraiture Marie-Alice, De Keersmaecker Sigrid C. J., Verhaegen Bavo, Van Hoorde Koenraad, Cay Ann Brigitte, Balmelle Nadège, Herman Philippe, and Roosens Nancy , Curr Issues Mol Biol, 2021 Nov 06, Volume 43, Issue 3, (2021)
Towards Efficient Early Warning: Pathobiology of African Swine Fever Virus "Belgium 2018/1" in Domestic Pigs of Different Age Classes., Pikalo, Jutta, Schoder Marie-Eve, Sehl-Ewert Julia, Breithaupt Angele, Cay Ann Brigitte, Lhoëst Coline, Van Campe Willem, Mostin Laurent, Deutschmann Paul, Roszyk Hanna, et al. , Animals (Basel), 2021 Sep 04, Volume 11, Issue 9, (2021)
WGS- versus ORF5-Based Typing of PRRSV: A Belgian Case Study., Vandenbussche, Frank, Mathijs Elisabeth, Tignon Marylène, Vandersmissen Tamara, and Cay Ann Brigitte , Viruses, 2021 Dec 02, Volume 13, Issue 12, (2021)
Age-Dependent Differences in Pseudorabies Virus Neuropathogenesis and Associated Cytokine Expression., Verpoest, Sara, Cay Ann Brigitte, Favoreel Herman, and De Regge Nick , J Virol, 2017 Jan 15, Volume 91, Issue 2, (2017)
Characterization of three commercial ELISA kits for detection of BOHV-1 gE specific antibodies in serum and milk samples and applicability of bulk milk for determination of herd status., Tignon, Marylène, De Baere Miet, Hanon Jean-Baptiste, Goolaerts Annelies, Houtain Jean-Yves, Delooz Laurent, and Cay Ann Brigitte , J Virol Methods, 2017 Jul, Volume 245, p.66-72, (2017)
Encephalomyocarditis virus in a captive Malayan tapir ()., Vercammen, Francis, Bosseler Leslie, Tignon Marylène, and Cay Ann Brigitte , Open Vet J, 2017, Volume 7, Issue 2, p.100-103, (2017)
Evaluation of 16 commercial antibody ELISAs for the detection of bovine viral diarrhea virus-specific antibodies in serum and milk using well-characterized sample panels., Hanon, Jean-Baptiste, De Baere Miet, De la Ferté Camille, Roelandt Sophie, Van der Stede Yves, and Cay Ann Brigitte , J Vet Diagn Invest, 2017 Aug 01, p.1040638717724839, (2017)
Evidence of extensive renewed Schmallenberg virus circulation in Belgium during summer of 2016 - increase in arthrogryposis-hydranencephaly cases expected, Sohier, Charlotte, Deblauwe I., Van Loo T., Hanon Jean-Baptiste, Cay Ann Brigitte, and De Regge Nick , Transboundary and Emerging Diseases, Jan-08-2017, Volume 64, Issue 4, (2017)
Reduced virulence of a pseudorabies virus isolate from wild boar origin in domestic pigs correlates with hampered visceral spread and age-dependent reduced neuroinvasive capacity., Verpoest, Sara, Redant Valerie, Cay Ann Brigitte, Favoreel Herman, and De Regge Nick , Virulence, 2017 Sep 05, p.1-14, (2017)
Resurgence of Schmallenberg Virus in Belgium after 3 Years of Epidemiological Silence., Delooz, L, Saegerman C, Quinet C, Petitjean T, De Regge Nick, and Cay Ann Brigitte , Transbound Emerg Dis, 2017 Oct, Volume 64, Issue 5, p.1641-1642, (2017)

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