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Molecular characterization of Belgian pseudorabies virus isolates from domestic swine and wild boar., Verpoest, Sara, Cay Ann Brigitte, and De Regge Nick , Vet Microbiol, 2014 Aug 06, Volume 172, Issue 1-2, p.72-7, (2014)
Schmallenberg virus circulation in culicoides in Belgium in 2012: field validation of a real time RT-PCR approach to assess virus replication and dissemination in midges., De Regge, Nick, Madder Maxime, Deblauwe Isra, Losson Bertrand, Fassotte Christiane, Demeulemeester Julie, Smeets François, Tomme Marie, and Cay Ann Brigitte , PLoS One, 2014, Volume 9, Issue 1, p.e87005, (2014)
Study of the virulence of serotypes 4 and 9 of African horse sickness virus in IFNAR(-/-), Balb/C and 129 Sv/Ev mice., de la Grandière, Maria Ana, Dal Pozzo Fabiana, Tignon Marylène, Zonta William, Thiry Damien, Mauroy Axel, Mathijs Elisabeth, Cay Ann Brigitte, Saegerman Claude, and Thiry Etienne , Vet Microbiol, 2014 Dec 05, Volume 174, Issue 3-4, p.322-332, (2014)
A survey on biosecurity and management practices in selected Belgian cattle farms., Sarrazin, Steven, Cay Ann Brigitte, Laureyns Jozef, and Dewulf Jeroen , Prev Vet Med, 2014 Nov 01, Volume 117, Issue 1, p.129-39, (2014)
Virulence comparison and quantification of horizontal bovine viral diarrhoea virus transmission following experimental infection in calves., Sarrazin, S, Dewulf J, Mathijs Elisabeth, Laureyns J, Mostin Laurent, and Cay Ann Brigitte , Vet J, 2014 Nov, Volume 202, Issue 2, p.244-9, (2014)
Can horses be clinically screened for West Nile Fever?, van Galen, G, Calozet L, Leblond A, Tritz P, dal Pozzo F, Porter S R., Cay Ann Brigitte, Amory H, and Saegerman C , Vet Rec, 2013 Jan 26, Volume 172, Issue 4, p.101, (2013)
Development, validation and evaluation of added diagnostic value of a q(RT)-PCR for the detection of genotype A strains of small ruminant lentiviruses., De Regge, Nick, and Cay Ann Brigitte , J Virol Methods, 2013 Dec, Volume 194, Issue 1-2, p.250-7, (2013)
Diagnosis of Schmallenberg virus infection in malformed lambs and calves and first indications for virus clearance in the fetus., De Regge, Nick, van den Berg Thierry, Georges Laura, and Cay Ann Brigitte , Vet Microbiol, 2013 Mar 23, Volume 162, Issue 2-4, p.595-600, (2013)
Effect of saliva stabilisers on detection of porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome virus in oral fluid by quantitative reverse transcriptase real-time PCR., Decorte, Inge, Van der Stede Yves, Nauwynck Hans, De Regge Nick, and Cay Ann Brigitte , Vet J, 2013 Aug, Volume 197, Issue 2, p.224-8, (2013)
Large-scale cross-sectional serological survey of Schmallenberg virus in Belgian cattle at the end of the first vector season., Méroc, Estelle, Poskin A, Van Loo H, Quinet C, Van Driessche E, Delooz L, Behaeghel Isabelle, Riocreux F, Hooyberghs J, De Regge Nick, et al. , Transbound Emerg Dis, 2013 Feb, Volume 60, Issue 1, p.4-8, (2013)
Serological and virological BVDV prevalence and risk factor analysis for herds to be BVDV seropositive in Belgian cattle herds., Sarrazin, Steven, Veldhuis Anouk, Méroc Estelle, Vangeel Ilse, Laureyns Jozef, Dewulf Jeroen, Cay Ann Brigitte, Piepers Sofie, Hooyberghs Jozef, Ribbens Stefaan, et al. , Prev Vet Med, 2013 Jan 01, Volume 108, Issue 1, p.28-37, (2013)
Validation of a commercially available indirect ELISA using a nucleocapside recombinant protein for detection of Schmallenberg virus antibodies., Bréard, Emmanuel, Lara Estelle, Comtet Loïc, Viarouge Cyril, Doceul Virginie, Desprat Alexandra, Vitour Damien, Pozzi Nathalie, Cay Ann Brigitte, De Regge Nick, et al. , PLoS One, 2013, Volume 8, Issue 1, p.e53446, (2013)

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