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Filtres: Auteur is Gabrielle Schittecatte
5.X.1. Co-designing for policy impact: Belgium’s monitoring & evaluation framework for cancer care & control, Schittecatte, Gabrielle, Ghattas Jinane, and Saesen Robbe , European Public Health Conference, 28/10/2024, Lisbon, Portugal, (2024)
The Belgian Cancer Inventory: Co-creating a framework for monitoring the implementation of cancer policies and associated inequalities, Saesen, Robbe, Schittecatte Gabrielle, Ghattas Jinane, and Delnord Marie , European Cancer Summit, Jan-12-2024, Brussels, Belgium, (2024)
The Belgian Inventory of Cancer Care and Control Policies: a state of play for 2023, Schittecatte, Gabrielle, and Delnord Marie , p.75, (2024)
Policy brief Belgian EBCP Mirror Group - Artificial Intelligence in cancer care, Cauët, Emilie, Schittecatte Gabrielle, Van den Bulcke Marc, Albarani Valentina, Maati Allaoui, El, Antoine-Poirel H, Baatout Sarah, Broeckx Glenn, Chavez Marcela, Emmanuel Coche, et al. , Archives of Public Health, Jan-08-2024, Volume 82, Issue S1, (2024)
Policy brief Belgian EBCP Mirror Group – cancer research in Belgium, Raicevic, Gordana, Poirel Hélène A., Schittecatte Gabrielle, Van den Bulcke Marc, Andries Camille, Beguin Yves, Bekaert Sofie, Berx Geert, Blanpain Cedric, Breckpot Karine, et al. , Archives of Public Health, Jan-12-2024, Volume 82, Issue S1, (2024)
Policy brief Belgian EBCP Mirror Group: children, adolescents and young adults with cancer, Antoine-Poirel, H, Schittecatte Gabrielle, Van Aelst Fabienne, Vandermeulen An, Gerbaux Alice, Amorim Christiani Andrade, Van Damme An, Uyttebroeck Anne, Brichard Benedicte, De Wilde Bram, et al. , Archives of Public Health, Jan-08-2024, Volume 82, Issue S1, (2024)
Policy brief Belgian EBCP Mirror Group - patient and citizen engagement, Van Hoof, Wannes, and Schittecatte Gabrielle , Archives of Public Health, Jan-12-2024, Volume 82, Issue S1, (2024)
Policy Brief – Survivorship is cancer survivorship the poor cousin of cancer control within the EBCP?, Kiasuwa, Regine, Schittecatte Gabrielle, and Theys Sofie , Archives of Public Health, Jan-08-2024, Volume 82, Issue S1, (2024)

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