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Filtres: Auteur is Wannes Van Hoof
Aligning the values of citizens and experts regarding the management of genomic incidental findings , Saelaert, Marlies, Mayeur Chloé, and Van Hoof Wannes , Troisième édition des Rencontres Sciences Humaines et Sociales et médecine génomique, 2024 July , Issue PLAN FRANCE MÉDECINE GÉNOMIQUE 2025, Toulouse, France , (2024)
A European perspective on incidental and secondary findings , Saelaert, Marlies, Mayeur Chloé, and Van Hoof Wannes , Symposium France-Québec : Réflexions pluridisciplinaires sur les données incidentes en génomique et leur gestion en pratique, 2024 Dec, Lyon, France , (2024)
How to Deal with Uninformed and Poorly Informed Opinions of Citizens? A Critical Approach to Online Public Engagement, Mayeur, Chloé, Mertes Heidi, and Van Hoof Wannes , Citizen Science: theory and Practice, 12/02/2024, (2024)
Incidental findings: towards a casuistic or systemic approach? , Saelaert, Marlies, Mayeur Chloé, and Van Hoof Wannes , Troisième édition des Rencontres Sciences Humaines et Sociales et médecine génomique, 2024 July , Issue PLAN FRANCE MÉDECINE GÉNOMIQUE 2025, Toulouse, France , (2024)
Policy brief Belgian EBCP Mirror Group - patient and citizen engagement, Van Hoof, Wannes, and Schittecatte Gabrielle , Archives of Public Health, Jan-12-2024, Volume 82, Issue S1, (2024)
Building an ethical and democratic framework for genomic data governance in Can.Heal, Mayeur, Chloé, Saelaert Marlies, and Van Hoof Wannes , Troisième édition des Rencontres Sciences Humaines et Sociales et Médecine Génomique, 2023, Issue Plan France Médecine Génomique 2025, Toulouse, France, (2023)
BY-COVID Educational Toolkit, Van Hoof, Wannes, and Genten Olivia , 20/09/2023, (2023)
BY-COVID Kit Pédagogique, Van Hoof, Wannes, and Genten Olivia , 20/09/2023, (2023)
Citizen-centred approach to public engagement on the ELSI of health technologies, Mayeur, Chloé, Van Hoof Wannes, and Howard Heidi Carmen , 35 th EUROPEAN CONFERENCE ON PHILOSOPHY OF MEDICINE AND HEALTH CARE, 2023, Issue European Society for Philosophy of Medicine and Healthcare , Riga, (2023)
Do genomic passports leave us more vulnerable or less vulnerable? Perspectives from an online citizen engagement, Mayeur, Chloé, Mertes Heidi, and Van Hoof Wannes , Humanities and Social Sciences Communications, Jan-12-2023, Volume 10, Issue 1, (2023)
Expanding citizen engagement in the secondary use of health data: an opportunity for national health data access bodies to realise the intentions of the European Health Data Space, Saelaert, Marlies, Mathieu Louise, Van Hoof Wannes, and Devleesschauwer Brecht , Arch Public Health, 2023 Sep 12, Volume 81, Issue 1, (2023)
Linking health survey data with health insurance data: methodology, challenges, opportunities and recommendations for public health research. An experience from the HISlink project in Belgium, Berete, Finaba, Demarest Stefaan, Charafeddine Rana, De Ridder Karin, Van Oyen Herman, Van Hoof Wannes, Bruyère Olivier, and Van der Heyden Johan , Arch Public Health, 2023 Nov 15, Volume 81, Issue 1, (2023)
L'utilisation ultérieure des données génétiques dans un contexte criminalistique : Enjeux éthiques et perspectives citoyennes, Mayeur, Chloé, and Van Hoof Wannes , Droit et Santé, Issue 16, (2023)
Qualitative study to assess citizens’ perception of sharing health data for secondary use and recommendations on how to engage citizens in the EHDS, Menager, Kenann, Maddocks James, Mathieu Louise, Richards Rosie, Saelaert Marlies, and Van Hoof Wannes , 31/03/2023, Brussels, Belgium, p.45, (2023)
TEHDAS: Gezonde data, Mathieu, Louise, Saelaert Marlies, and Van Hoof Wannes , Brussels, Belgium, (2023)
TEHDAS: Les données de santé, Mathieu, Louise, Saelaert Marlies, and Van Hoof Wannes , Brussels , (2023)

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