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Filtres: Auteur is Jessika Deblonde
Impact of solid cancer on in-hospital mortality overall and among different subgroups of patients with COVID-19: a nationwide, population-based analysis.,
, ESMO Open, 2020 09, Volume 5, Issue 5, (2020)
Low-dose hydroxychloroquine therapy and mortality in hospitalised patients with COVID-19: a nationwide observational study of 8075 participants,
, International Journal of Antimicrobial Agents, Jan-10-2020, Volume 56, Issue 4, (2020)
Rapid establishment of a national surveillance of COVID-19 hospitalizations in Belgium,
, Archives of Public Health, Jan-12-2020, Volume 78, Issue 1, (2020)
Epidémiologie du SIDA et de l'infection à VIH en Belgique. Situation au 31 décembre 2018.,
, 11/2019, Brussels, p.80, (2019)
Epidemiologie van aids en hiv-infectie in België. Toestand of 31 december 2018.,
, 11/2019, Brussels, Belgium, p.79, (2019)
Estimates of the HIV undiagnosed population in Belgium reveals higher prevalence for MSM with foreign nationality and for geographic areas hosting big cities,
, Journal of the International AIDS Society, Nov-08-2019, Volume 22, Issue 8, (2019)
Exploring HIV-1 Transmission Dynamics by Combining Phylogenetic Analysis and Infection Timing,
, Viruses, Jan-12-2019, Volume 11, Issue 12, (2019)
High uptake of pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) during early roll-out in Belgium: results from surveillance reports,
, Sexual Health, Jan-01-2019, Volume 16, Issue 1, (2019)
Épidémiologie du sida et de l'infection à VIH en Belgique. Situation au 31 décembre 2017.,
, 27/11:2018, Brussels, p.68, (2018)
Epidémiologie du VIH, Mise à jour - patients en suivi, 2016,
, mar 2018, p.8, (2018)
Epidemiologie van aids en hiv-infectie in België. Toestand op 31 december 2017.,
, 27/11/2018, Brussels, Belgium, p.68, (2018)
HIV testing within general practices in Europe: a mixed-methods systematic review.,
, BMC Public Health, 2018 Oct 22, Volume 18, Issue 1, (2018)
Phylogenetic analysis of the Belgian HIV-1 epidemic reveals that local transmission is almost exclusively driven by men having sex with men despite presence of large African migrant communities.,
, Infect Genet Evol, 2018 Mar 06, Volume 61, (2018)
Phylogenetic analysis of the Belgian HIV-1 epidemic reveals that local transmission is almost exclusively driven by men having sex with men despite presence of large African migrant communities,
, Infection, Genetics and Evolution, Jan-07-2018, Volume 61, (2018)
First HIV prevalence estimates of a representative sample of adult sub-Saharan African migrants in a European city. Results of a community-based, cross-sectional study in Antwerp, Belgium.,
, PLoS One, 2017, Volume 12, Issue 4, p.e0174677, (2017)
Four sexually transmitted infections (STIs) in Belgian general practice: first results (2013-2014) of a nationwide continuing surveillance study.,
, BMJ Open, 2017 Jan 27, Volume 7, Issue 1, p.e012118, (2017)
Epidémiologie du SIDA et de l'infection à VIH en Belgique. Situation au 31 Décembre 2015,
, 11/2016, Brussels, p.63, (2016)
Epidemiologie van aids en hiv-infectie in België. Toestand op 31 december 2015.,
, 11/2016, Brussel, België, p.63, (2016)
Late presentation to HIV testing is overestimated when based on the consensus definition.,
, HIV Med, 2016 Mar, Volume 17, Issue 3, p.231-4, (2016)
TOGETHER Project to Increase Understanding of the HIV Epidemic Among Sub-Saharan African Migrants: Protocol of Community-Based Participatory Mixed-Method Studies.,
, JMIR Res Protoc, 2016 Mar 17, Volume 5, Issue 1, p.e48, (2016)
TOGETHER Project to Increase Understanding of the HIV Epidemic Among Sub-Saharan African Migrants: Protocol of Community-Based Participatory Mixed-Method Studies,
, JMIR Research Protocols, Jan-01-2016, Volume 5, Issue 1, (2016)
Zelftest voor opsporing van hiv: informatiefolder voor gezondheidswerkers en verenigingen voor hiv-preventie,
, 23/11/2016, Brussels, Belgium, p.12, (2016)
Good continuum of HIV care in Belgium despite weaknesses in retention and linkage to care among migrants,
, BMC Infectious Diseases, Jan-12-2015, Volume 15, Issue 1, (2015)
Good continuum of HIV care in Belgium despite weaknesses in retention and linkage to care among migrants.,
, BMC Infect Dis, 2015 Nov 03, Volume 15, p.496, (2015)