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COVID-19-infectie bij kinderen in België. Resultaten van labo-surveillance, schoolgegevens en ziekenhuis surveillance 15/03-28/06/2020, Cornelissen, Laura, Litzroth Amber, Montourcy Marion, De Rouck Maarten, Wyndham-Thomas Chloé, Klamer Sofieke, and Van Beckhoven Dominique , 01/08/2020, p.24, (2020)
Development and Evaluation of an HIV-Testing Intervention for Primary Care: Protocol for a Mixed Methods StudyBackgroundObjectiveMethodsResultsConclusionsTrial RegistrationInternational Registered Report Identifier (IRRID), Apers, Hanne, Vuylsteke Bea, Loos Jasna, Smekens Tom, Deblonde Jessika, Van Beckhoven Dominique, and Nöstlinger Christiana , JMIR Research Protocols, Jan-01-2020, Volume 9, Issue 8, (2020)
Epidémiologie du SIDA et de l'infection à VIH en Belgique. Situation au 31 décembre 2019., Deblonde, Jessika, Van Beckhoven Dominique, Montourcy Marion, and De Rouck Maarten , 2020, Bruxelles, p.84, (2020)
Epidemiologie van aids en hiv-infectie in België. Toestand op 31 december 2019., Deblonde, Jessika, Van Beckhoven Dominique, Montourcy Marion, De Rouck Maarten, and Sasse André , 2020, Brussel, p.82, (2020)
Impact of solid cancer on in-hospital mortality overall and among different subgroups of patients with COVID-19: a nationwide, population-based analysis., de Azambuja, Evandro, Brandão Mariana, Wildiers Hans, Laenen Annouschka, Aspeslagh Sandrine, Fontaine Christel, Collignon Joelle, Lybaert Willem, Verheezen Jolanda, Rutten Annemie, et al. , ESMO Open, 2020 09, Volume 5, Issue 5, (2020)
Incidence rate, predictors and outcomes of interruption of HIV care: nationwide results from the Belgian HIV cohort, Van Beckhoven, Dominique, Florence E, De Wit S, Wyndham-Thomas Chloé, Sasse A, Van Oyen Herman, and Macq J , HIV Medicine, Jan-10-2020, Volume 21, Issue 9, (2020)
Infection COVID-19 chez les enfants en Belgique. Résultats de la surveillance laboratoire, données scolaires et surveillance clinique des patients hospitalisés, 18/03-28/06/2020, Cornelissen, Laura, Litzroth Amber, Montourcy Marion, De Rouck Maarten, Wyndham-Thomas Chloé, Klamer Sofieke, and Van Beckhoven Dominique , 01/08/2020, p.24, (2020)
Low-dose hydroxychloroquine therapy and mortality in hospitalised patients with COVID-19: a nationwide observational study of 8075 participants, Catteau, Lucy, Dauby Nicolas, Montourcy Marion, Bottieau Emmanuel, Hautekiet Joris, Goetghebeur Els, Van Ierssel Sabrina, Duysburgh Els, Van Oyen Herman, Wyndham-Thomas Chloé, et al. , International Journal of Antimicrobial Agents, Jan-10-2020, Volume 56, Issue 4, (2020)
Rapid establishment of a national surveillance of COVID-19 hospitalizations in Belgium, Van Goethem, Nina, Vilain Aline, Wyndham-Thomas Chloé, Deblonde Jessika, Bossuyt Nathalie, Lernout Tinne, Rebolledo Javiera, Quoilin Sophie, Melis Vincent, and Van Beckhoven Dominique , Archives of Public Health, Jan-12-2020, Volume 78, Issue 1, (2020)
Reply to 'Low-dose hydroxychloroquine therapy and lower mortality in hospitalized patients with COVID-19: association does not mean causality'., Dauby, N, Catteau Lucy, Hautekiet Joris, Montourcy Marion, Bottieau E, Goetghebeur E, and Van Beckhoven Dominique , Int J Antimicrob Agents, 2020 Dec 13, (2020)
Time between Symptom Onset, Hospitalisation and Recovery or Death: Statistical Analysis of Belgian COVID-19 Patients., Faes, Christel, Abrams Steven, Van Beckhoven Dominique, Meyfroidt Geert, Vlieghe Erika, and Hens Niel , Int J Environ Res Public Health, 2020 10 17, Volume 17, Issue 20, (2020)
Épidémiologie du sida et de l'infection à VIH en Belgique. Situation au 31 décembre 2017., Sasse, André, Deblonde Jessika, Jamine David, and Van Beckhoven Dominique , 27/11:2018, Brussels, p.68, (2018)
Epidémiologie du VIH, Mise à jour - patients en suivi, 2016, Sasse, André, Deblonde Jessika, Jamine David, Ost Cloë, and Van Beckhoven Dominique , mar 2018, p.8, (2018)
Epidemiologie van aids en hiv-infectie in België. Toestand op 31 december 2017., Sasse, André, Deblonde Jessika, Jamine David, and Van Beckhoven Dominique , 27/11/2018, Brussels, Belgium, p.68, (2018)
Epidemiologie van HIV. Update - patiënten in opvolging, 2016, Van Beckhoven, Dominique, Jamine David, and Sasse André , Mar 2018, Brussel, België, p.8, (2018)
Epidemiologische suveillance van mycoses (2015), Van Beckhoven, Dominique, Ost Cloë, Sacheli Rosalie, Patteet Sofie, Hayette Marie-Pierre, and Lagrou Katrien , Mar 2018, Brussel, België, p.18, (2018)
Health and budget impact of combined HIV prevention - first results of the BELHIVPREV model., Vermeersch, Sebastian, Callens S., De Wit Stéphane, Goffard Jean-Christophe, Laga Marie, Van Beckhoven Dominique, and Annemans Lieven , Acta Clin Belg, 2018 Feb, Volume 73, Issue 1, p.54-67, (2018)
HIV testing within general practices in Europe: a mixed-methods systematic review., Deblonde, Jessika, Van Beckhoven Dominique, Loos Jasna, Boffin Nicole, Sasse André, Nöstlinger Christiana, and Supervie Virginie , BMC Public Health, 2018 Oct 22, Volume 18, Issue 1, (2018)
Phylogenetic analysis of the Belgian HIV-1 epidemic reveals that local transmission is almost exclusively driven by men having sex with men despite presence of large African migrant communities., Verhofstede, Chris, Dauwe Kenny, Fransen Katrien, Van Laethem Kristel, Van den Wijngaert Sigi, Ruelle Jean, Delforge Marie-Luce, Vancutsem Ellen, Vaira Dolorès, Stoffels Karolien, et al. , Infect Genet Evol, 2018 Mar 06, Volume 61, (2018)

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