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Benefits of hypothetical air pollution reduction interventions on NCDs in Belgium, Pelgrims, Ingrid, Devleesschauwer Brecht, Van der Heyden Johan, and De Clercq Eva M. , European Journal of Public Health, Apr-10-2026, Volume 34, Issue Supplement_3, (2024)
Does health literacy mediate the relationship between socioeconomic status and health related outcomes in the Belgian adult population?, Berete, Finaba, Gisle Lydia, Demarest Stefaan, Charafeddine Rana, Bruyère Olivier, Van den Brouck Stephan, and Van der Heyden Johan , BMC Public Health, Jan-12-2024, Volume 24, Issue 1, (2024)
Impact of short-term exposure to air pollution on natural mortality and vulnerable populations: a multi-city case-crossover analysis in Belgium, Demoury, Claire, Aerts Raf, Berete Finaba, Lefebvre Wouter, Pauwels Arno, Vanpoucke Charlotte, Van der Heyden Johan, and De Clercq Eva M. , Environmental Health, Jan-12-2024, Volume 23, Issue 1, (2024)
The importance of including a mental health dimension in a multimorbidity indicator: an analysis of Belgian health survey data, Laloux, Pierre, Gisle Lydia, D’hoore William, Charafeddine Rana, and Van der Heyden Johan , BMC Public Health, Jan-12-2024, Volume 24, Issue 1, (2024)
The importance of including a mental health dimension in a multimorbidity indicator: an analysis of Belgian health survey data., Laloux, Pierre, Gisle Lydia, D'hoore William, Charafeddine Rana, and Van der Heyden Johan , BMC Public Health, 2024 Dec 18, Volume 24, Issue 1, (2024)
The incremental healthcare cost associated with cancer in Belgium: A registry-based data analysis, Gorasso, Vanessa, Vandevijvere Stefanie, Van der Heyden Johan, Pelgrims Ingrid, Hilderink Henk, Nusselder Wilma, Demoury Claire, Schmidt Masja, Vansteelandt Stijn, De Smedt Delphine, et al. , Cancer Medicine, Volume 13, Issue 3, (2024)
Multimorbidity healthcare expenditure in Belgium: a 4-year analysis (COMORB study)., Bich Tran, Phuong, Nikolaidis Georgios F., Abatih Emmanuel, Bos Philippe, Berete Finaba, Gorasso Vanessa, Van der Heyden Johan, Kazibwe Joseph, Tomeny Ewan Morgan, Van Hal Guido, et al. , Health Res Policy Syst, 2024 Mar 22, Volume 22, Issue 1, (2024)
The potential impact fraction of population weight reduction scenarios on non-communicable diseases in Belgium: application of the g-computation approach, Pelgrims, Ingrid, Devleesschauwer Brecht, Vandevijvere Stefanie, De Clercq Eva M., Van der Heyden Johan, and Vansteelandt Stijn , BMC Medical Research Methodology, Jan-12-2024, Volume 24, Issue 1, (2024)
The potential of including the microbiome as biomarker in population-based health studies: methods and benefits, Buytaers, Florence E., Berger Nicolas, Van der Heyden Johan, Roosens Nancy, and De Keersmaecker Sigrid C. J. , Frontiers in Public Health, (2024)
Prevalence of SARS-CoV-2 antibodies and associated factors in the adult population of Belgium: a general population cohort study between March 2021 and April 2022, Van der Heyden, Johan, Leclercq V, Duysburgh Els, Cornelissen Laura, Desombere Isabelle, Inge Roukaerts, and Gisle Lydia , Arch Public Health, 2024 May 15, Volume 82, Issue 1, (2024)
Prevalence of SARS-CoV-2 antibodies and associated factors in the adult population of Belgium: a general population cohort study between March 2021 and April 2022, Van der Heyden, Johan, Leclercq V, Duysburgh Els, Cornelissen Laura, Desombere Isabelle, Inge Roukaerts, and Gisle Lydia , Archives of Public Health, Jan-12-2024, Volume 82, Issue 1, (2024)
Adherence to '5-2-1-0' guidelines and multiple risky behaviours among adolescents in nine sub-Saharan African countries: evidence from Global School-based Student Health Survey 2012-2017., Hoogstoel, Fanny, Samadoulougou Sékou, Adama Diouf, Savoye Isabelle, Donnen Philippe, Van der Heyden Johan, and Fati Kirakoya-Samadoulougou , BMJ Nutr Prev Health, 2023, Volume 6, Issue 1, (2023)
Assessing the benefits of hypothetical air pollution reduction interventions on stroke in Belgium, Pelgrims, Ingrid, Devleesschauwer Brecht, Vandevijvere Stefanie, De Clercq Eva M., Gorasso Vanessa, Van der Heyden Johan, and Vansteelandt Stijn , European Journal of Public Health , October 2023, Volume 33, Issue Supplement_2, (2023)
Bulletin n° 1 - BELHEALTH - FR, Nélis, Gwendoline, Bruggeman Helena, Braekman Elise, Charafeddine Rana, Demarest Stefaan, Drieskens Sabine, Gisle Lydia, Hermans Lize, Smith Pierre, and Van der Heyden Johan , 02/2023, Brussels, p.13, (2023)
Bulletin n° 1 - BELHEALTH - NL, Bruggeman, Helena, Nélis Gwendoline, Braekman Elise, Charafeddine Rana, Demarest Stefaan, Drieskens Sabine, Gisle Lydia, Hermans Lize, Smith Pierre, and Van der Heyden Johan , 02/2023, Brussels, p.13, (2023)
Bulletin n°1 - BELHEALTH, Nélis, Gwendoline, Bruggeman Helena, Braekman Elise, Charafeddine Rana, Demarest Stefaan, Drieskens Sabine, Gisle Lydia, Hermans Lize, Smith Pierre, and Van der Heyden Johan , 02/2023, Brussels, p.13, (2023)
Data collection in pandemic times: the case of the Belgian COVID-19 health surveys, Braekman, Elise, Charafeddine Rana, Berete Finaba, Bruggeman Helena, Drieskens Sabine, Gisle Lydia, Hermans Lize, Van der Heyden Johan, and Demarest Stefaan , Archives of Public Health, 04/07/2023, Issue 81:124, (2023)
The health and economic burden of musculoskeletal disorders in Belgium from 2013 to 2018, Gorasso, Vanessa, Van der Heyden Johan, De Pauw Robby, Pelgrims Ingrid, De Clercq Eva M., De Ridder Karin, Vandevijvere Stefanie, Vansteelandt Stijn, Vaes Bert, De Smedt Delphine, et al. , Popul Health Metr, 2023 Apr 21, Volume 21, Issue 1, (2023)
Linking health survey data with health insurance data: methodology, challenges, opportunities and recommendations for public health research. An experience from the HISlink project in Belgium, Berete, Finaba, Demarest Stefaan, Charafeddine Rana, De Ridder Karin, Van Oyen Herman, Van Hoof Wannes, Bruyère Olivier, and Van der Heyden Johan , Arch Public Health, 2023 Nov 15, Volume 81, Issue 1, (2023)
Potential impact fractions of body mass index reductions on the non-communicable disease burden in Belgium using G-computation, Pelgrims, Ingrid, De Clercq Eva M., Devleesschauwer Brecht, Vandevijvere Stefanie, Gorasso Vanessa, Van der Heyden Johan, and Vansteelandt Stijn , Population Medicine. 2023;5(Supplement):. doi:10.18332/popmed/165603., 2023, Volume 5, Issue Supplement, (2023)
Using random-forest multiple imputation to address bias of self-reported anthropometric measures, hypertension and hypercholesterolemia in the Belgian health interview survey, Pelgrims, Ingrid, Devleesschauwer Brecht, Vandevijvere Stefanie, De Clercq Eva M., Vansteelandt Stijn, Gorasso Vanessa, and Van der Heyden Johan , BMC Med Res Methodol, 2023 Mar 25, Volume 23, Issue 1, (2023)

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