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Filtres: Auteur is Laura Debouverie
Monitoring COVID-19 in Belgian general practice: A tool for syndromic surveillance based on electronic health records,
, European Journal of General Practice, 2024-01-08, Volume 30, Issue 1, (2024)
SYNDROMIC SURVEILLANCE IN PRIMARY CARE, an early warning system for pandemic preparedness,
, High-level Conference on the Future EU Health Union, Brussels, 26-27 March 2024, Issue 2024 Belgian Presidency of the Council of the European Union, Belgium, (2024)
Developing a semi-automatic COVID-19 syndromic surveillance tool into a fully automated tool for respiratory infectious diseases in Belgian General Practices,
, 97th EGPRN Meeting, 10/2023, Issue European General Practice Research Network, Prague, Czech Republic, (2023)
Real-time pandemic surveillance by the Covid-19 Barometer in General Practices in Belgium,
, 95th EGPRN Meeting, 10/2022, Issue European General Practice Research Network, Antwerp, Belgium, (2022)
VALIDATION OF A CODE-BASED DATA COLLECTION METHOD IN PRIMARY CARE for Influenza-like illness surveillance in Belgium: Protocol,
, 2025, Brussels, belgium, (0)