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Filtres: Auteur is Mélanie Nahimana
Assessment of a code-based method compared with a questionnaire-based method for Influenza-Like Illness surveillance data collection in Belgian General Practices: Protocol, Nahimana, Mélanie, Rouvez Floriane, Bensemmane Sherihane, Moreels S, De Schreye Robrecht, and Bossuyt Nathalie , 99th EGPRN Meeting, Budapest, Hungary, 17-20 October 2024, 1 December 2024, Volume Abstract-Book-of-the-99th-EGPRN-Meeting-Budapest-Hungary, Issue EGPRN, Number 103, Budapest, Hungary, (2024)
Bulletin acute luchtweginfecties week 09-2025 - Gepubliceerd op 05.03.2025, Brugerolles, Claire, Fierens Sébastien, De Mot Laurane, Vandromme Mathil, Dockx Yinthe, Bossuyt Nathalie, Denayer Sarah, Parys Anna, Dufrasne François, Hanoteaux Sven, et al. , 2024, Brussels, p.48, (2024)
Bulletin infections respiratoires aiguës semaine 09-2025 - Publié 05/03/25, Brugerolles, Claire, Fierens Sébastien, De Mot Laurane, Vandromme Mathil, Dockx Yinthe, Bossuyt Nathalie, Denayer Sarah, Parys Anna, Dufrasne François, Hanoteaux Sven, et al. , 2024, Brussels, p.48, (2024)
Comparing the sustainability of influenza-like illness monitoring in a questionnaire-based and a code-based data collection method in Belgian general practices: protocol and preliminary results, Nahimana, Mélanie, Bossuyt Nathalie, Rouvez Floriane, Bensemmane Sherihane, and De Schreye Robrecht , EFPC 2024 Conference, Ljubljana, Slovenia, 15-17 September 2024, 09/2024, Volume, Issue EFPC, Number 113, Ljubljana, Slovenia, (2024)
The GP infection barometer: Protocol of a real-time syndromic surveillance of multiple infectious diseases in primary care using electronic health records, Bossuyt, Nathalie, Nahimana Mélanie, Rouvez Floriane, Moreels S, De Schreye Robrecht, and Bensemmane Sherihane , 99th EGPRN Meeting, Budapest, Hungary, 17-20 October 2024, 01/12/2024, Volume Abstract-Book-of-the-99th-EGPRN-Meeting-Budapest-Hungary, Issue EGPRN, Number 108, Budapest, Hungary, (2024)
SYNDROMIC SURVEILLANCE IN PRIMARY CARE, an early warning system for pandemic preparedness, Nahimana, Mélanie, Bossuyt Nathalie, Rouvez Floriane, Debouverie Laura, Bensemmane Sherihane, and De Schreye Robrecht , High-level Conference on the Future EU Health Union, Brussels, 26-27 March 2024, Issue 2024 Belgian Presidency of the Council of the European Union, Belgium, (2024)

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