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Filtres: Auteur is Nadia Waegeneers
Brominated flame retardants in Belgian home-produced eggs: Levels, sources and contamination pathways., Covaci, A., Dirtu A.C., Roosens L., Waegeneers Nadia, Van Overmeire Ilse, Neels H., and Goeyens L. , SETAC Europe 18th Annual Meeting, 0/0/2008, Issue society of environmental toxicology and chemistry, NA, (2008)
Cadmium in the food chain near non-ferrous metal production sites., Vromman, V, Saegerman C, Pussemier L, Huyghebaert A, De Temmerman L, Pizzolon J-C, and Waegeneers Nadia , Food Addit Contam Part A Chem Anal Control Expo Risk Assess, 2008 Mar, Volume 25, Issue 3, (2008)
CONTAMINATIE VAN EIEREN AFKOMSTIG VAN KIPPEN GEHOUDEN BIJ PARTICULIEREN, Goeyens, L., Van Overmeire Ilse, Hanot V., Windal I, Pussemier L., Vermeir P., Waegeneers Nadia, De Temmmerman L., Tangni K., Neels H., et al. , 2008, Brussel, p.58, (2008)
Contaminatie van eieren afkomstig van kippen gehouden bij particulieren, Goeyens, L., Van Overmeire Ilse, Hanot V., Windal I., Pussemier L., Vermeir P., Waegeneers Nadia, De Temmerman L, Tangni Emmanuel, Neels H., et al. , 0/0/2008, Brussel, p.58, (2008)
Intake of dioxins and dioxin-like PCBs consuming home produced eggs versus commercial eggs., Sioen, I., Bilau M., Van Overmeire Ilse, Eppe G., Waegeneers Nadia, Pussemier L., De Henauw S., and Goeyens L. , 28th International Symposium on Halogenated Environmental Organic Pollutants and POPs, 0/0/2008, Volume 70, Issue Stuart Harrad, p.001483, (2008)
Contaminants in organically and conventionally produced winter wheat (Triticum aestivum) in Belgium., Harcz, P, De Temmerman L, De Voghel S, Waegeneers Nadia, Wilmart O, Vromman V, Schmit J-F, Moons E, Van Peteghem C, De Saeger S., et al. , Food Addit Contam, 2007 Jul, Volume 24, Issue 7, p.713-20, (2007)
Levels of POPs and metals in home produced free range eggs in Belgium., Van Overmeire, Ilse, Pussemier L., Huysmans G., Hanot V., Vermeir P., De Temmerman L, Waegeneers Nadia, and Goeyens L. , 27th International Symposium on Halogenated Environmental Organic Pollutants and POPs, 0/0/2007, Volume 69, Issue Masatoshi Morita,Professor of Ehime University, p.114, (2007)

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