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Filtres: Auteur is Nancy Roosens
A combinatory qPCR screening system to detect food-borne pathogens., Barbau-Piednoir, E., Mahillon J., Roosens Nancy, and Botteldoorn N , 16th Conference on Food Microbiology, 22/9/2011, Issue Belgian Society for Food Microbiology, NA, p.132, (2011)
A combinatory qPCR screening system to detect food-borne pathogens., Barbau-Piednoir, E., Mahillon J., Roosens Nancy, and Botteldoorn N , Sfam summer meeting 2011: Food Microbiology, 4/7/2011, Issue The Society for Applied Microbiology (SfAM), Number 22, NA, p.21 - 22, (2011)
Development of qPCR screening methods to be used in a combinatory system to detect food-borne pathogens, Barbau-Piednoir, E., Mahillon J., Roosens Nancy, and Botteldoorn N , Scientific Meeting of the Young researchers of Institut Pasteur and Institut Pasteur International Network: Challenges in Global Health: Opportunities for Institut Pasteur International Network, 10/11/2011, Issue Réseau International des Institut Pasteur, NA, p.59, (2011)
Les techniques de PCR pour le diagnostic rapide des pathogènes dans l'alimentation346, Barbau-Piednoir, E., Denayer Sarah, Mahillon J., Roosens Nancy, and Botteldoorn N , Medi-sphère, 0/0/2011, Volume 283, Number 34, p.32 - 34, (2011)
Rapport annuel 2010-2011 du GMOlab concernant les dossiers de validation pour l'identification des organismes génétiquement modifiés, Papazova, N., Broeders Sylvia, Mbongolo-Mbella G.E., Vandermassen Els, De Mets F., Roosens Nancy, Sciacqua M., Vanherle Anne-Marie, and Draguet V. , 0/0/2011, Brussels, Belgium, p.13, (2011)
Rapport annuel du GMOlab concernant les dossiers de validation pour la quantification des organismes génétiquement modifiés., Papazova, N., Broeders Sylvia, Vandermassen Els, Roosens Nancy, Sciacqua M., and Vanherle Anne-Marie , 0/0/2011, Brussels, Belgium, p.11, (2011)
SAFEFOODERA: Nouvelles méthodes de detection des OGM, Broeders, Sylvia, Barbau-Piednoir E., Mbongolo-Mbella G.E., Papazova N., Pouppez A., and Roosens Nancy , 0/0/2011, Number 133, Brussels, Belgium, p.131 - 133, (2011)
SYBR®Green qPCR methods for detection of endogenous reference genes in commodity crops: a step ahead in combinatory screening of Genetically Modified Crops in food and feed products, Mbongolo-Mbella, G.E., Lievens A., Barbau-Piednoir E., Sneyers Myriam, Leunda Amaya, Roosens Nancy, and Van den Bulcke Marc , Eur.Food Res.Technol., 1/3/2011, Volume 232, Issue 3, Number 496, p.485 - 496, (2011)
Validation and measurement uncertainty in GMO analysis, Broeders, Sylvia, and Roosens Nancy , EURACHEM workshop 'Recent developments in measurement uncertainty', 6/6/2011, Issue =Eurachem, NA, (2011)
A combinatory qPCR screening system to detect food-borne pathogens, Barbau-Piednoir, E., Mahillon J., Roosens Nancy, and Botteldoorn N , 15th Conference on Food Microbiology, 0/0/2010, Issue Department of Food Safety and Food Quality,UGent, NA, (2010)
Development of a molecular detection platform for GMO detection in food based on "combinatory qPCR" technology, Roosens, Nancy, Barbau-Piednoir E., Lievens A., Mbongolo-Mbella G.E., Van Geel D., Vandermassen Els, Leunda Amaya, Broeders Sylvia, Sneyers Myriam, and Van den Bulcke Marc , 0/0/2010, Number 130, Brussels, Belgium, p.4, (2010)
NRL-GMO: GMODetec research project (2007-2010)408, Barbau-Piednoir, E., Lievens A., Leunda Amaya, Roosens Nancy, Van den Bulcke Marc, Sneyers Myriam, Debode Frédéric, Jansens E., Berben G., Ruttink T., et al. , LabInfo, 0/12/2010, Volume 5, Issue December 2010, Number 19, p.14 - 19, (2010)
Rapport annuel du GMOLAB concernant les dossiers de validation pour la quantification des organismes génétiquement modifiés - 01/09/09 au 31/08/10 (2009-2010), Mbongolo-Mbella, G.E., Broeders Sylvia, Vandermassen Els, Van Geel D., Roosens Nancy, Barbau-Piednoir E., Sneyers Myriam, Sciacqua M., and Vanherle Anne-Marie , 0/0/2010, Brussels, Belgium, p.41, (2010)
Rapport annuel du GMOLAB concernant les dossiers de validation pour l'identification des organismes génétiquement modifiés - 01/09/09 au 31/08/10 (2009-2010), Mbongolo-Mbella, G.E., Broeders Sylvia, Vandermassen Els, Van Geel D., Roosens Nancy, Barbau-Piednoir E., Sneyers Myriam, Sciacqua M., and Vanherle Anne-Marie , 0/0/2010, Brussels, Belgium, p.15, (2010)
SYBR®Green qPCR screening methods for the presence of "35S promoter" and "NOS terminator" elements in food and feed products400, Barbau-Piednoir, E., Lievens A., Mbongolo-Mbella G.E., Roosens Nancy, Sneyers Myriam, Leunda Amaya, and Van den Bulcke Marc , Eur.Food.Res.Technol., 0/0/2010, Volume 230, Issue 3, Number 393, p.383 - 393, (2010)
A theoretical introduction to "combinatory SYBRGreen qPCR screening", a matrix-based approach for the detection of materials derived from genetically modified plants., Van den Bulcke, Marc, Lievens Antoon, Barbau-Piednoir Elodie, Mbongolo Mbella Guillaume, Roosens Nancy, Sneyers Myriam, and Leunda Amaya , Anal Bioanal Chem, 2010 Mar, Volume 396, Issue 6, p.2113-23, (2010)

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