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Filtres: Auteur is Steven Van Gucht
Antibody response in Dutch marines to a single intramuscular rabies booster immunization 1-2.5 years after an intradermal pre-exposure schedule: An observational study., De Pijper, Cornelis Adrianus, Terryn Sanne, Van Gucht Steven, Grobusch Martin Peter, Goorhuis Abraham, and Stijnis Cornelis , Travel Med Infect Dis, 2020 Nov - Dec, Volume 38, (2020)
Capturing respiratory syncytial virus season in Belgium using the influenza severe acute respiratory infection surveillance network, season 2018/19., Subissi, Lorenzo, Bossuyt Nathalie, Reynders Marijke, Gerard Michèle, Dauby Nicolas, Bourgeois Marc, Delaere Bénédicte, Quoilin Sophie, Van Gucht Steven, Thomas Isabelle, et al. , Euro Surveill, 2020 10, Volume 25, Issue 39, (2020)
Challenges to Differentiate Hepatitis C Genotype 1 and 6: Results from A Field-Study in Cambodia., De Weggheleire, Anja, De Baetselier Irith, An Sokkab, Goletti Sylvie, Suin Vanessa, Sopheak Thai, Francque Sven, Crucitti Tania, Lynen Lutgarde, Van Gucht Steven, et al. , Infect Dis Ther, 2020 Sep, Volume 9, Issue 3, (2020)
Factors of maintenance of rabies transmission in dogs in Kinshasa, Democratic Republic of the Congo., Kazadi Kawaya, Eric, Marcotty Tanguy, Mulumba Mfumu Leopold Kazadi, Van Gucht Steven, and Kirschvink Nathalie , Prev Vet Med, 2020 03, Volume 176, (2020)
A new multiplex RT-qPCR method for the simultaneous detection and discrimination of Zika and chikungunya viruses, Broeders, Sylvia, Garlant Linda, Fraiture Marie-Alice, Vandermassen Els, Suin Vanessa, Vanhomwegen Jessica, Dupont-Rouzeyrol Myrielle, Rousset Dominique, Van Gucht Steven, and Roosens Nancy , International Journal of Infectious Diseases, Jan-03-2020, Volume 92, (2020)
Stable HEV IgG seroprevalence in Belgium between 2006 and 2014., Ho, Erwin, Schenk Julie, Hutse Veronik, Suin Vanessa, Litzroth Amber, Blaizot Stéphanie, Herzog Sereina A., Verburgh Vera, Jacques Marjorie, Abbas Rahman, et al. , J Viral Hepat, 2020 11, Volume 27, Issue 11, (2020)
Use of Whole Genome Sequencing Data for a First in Silico Specificity Evaluation of the RT-qPCR Assays Used for SARS-CoV-2 Detection., Gand, Mathieu, Vanneste Kevin, Thomas Isabelle, Van Gucht Steven, Capron Arnaud, Herman Philippe, Roosens Nancy, and De Keersmaecker Sigrid C. J. , Int J Mol Sci, 2020 Aug 04, Volume 21, Issue 15, (2020)
Epidemiology and genotype 3 subtype dynamics of hepatitis E virus in Belgium, 2010 to 2017., Suin, Vanessa, Klamer Sofieke, Hutse Veronik, Wautier Magali, Meurisse Marjorie, Abady Mona, Lamoral Sophie, Verburgh Vera, Thomas Isabelle, Brochier Bernard, et al. , Euro Surveill, 2019 Mar, Volume 24, Issue 10, (2019)
Factors of rabies maintenance in dog population in Kinshasa, Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), Kazadi, E.K., Marcotty T., Muylkens B., Antoine-Moussiaux N., Van Gucht Steven, Mulumba L., and Kirschvink N. , International Journal of Infectious Diseases, Jan-02-2019, Volume 79, (2019)
Isolation and Characterization of Clinical RSV Isolates in Belgium during the Winters of 2016–2018, Van der Gucht, Winke, Stobbelaar Kim, Govaerts Matthias, Mangodt Thomas, Barbezange Cyril, Leemans Annelies, De Winter Benedicte, Van Gucht Steven, Caljon Guy, Maes Louis, et al. , Viruses, Jan-11-2019, Volume 11, Issue 11, (2019)
Low hepatitis C prevalence in Belgium: implications for treatment reimbursement and scale up., Litzroth, Amber, Suin Vanessa, Wyndham-Thomas Chloé, Quoilin Sophie, Muyldermans Gaetan, Vanwolleghem Thomas, Kabamba-Mukadi Benoît, Verburgh Vera, Meurisse Marjorie, Van Gucht Steven, et al. , BMC Public Health, 2019 Jan 08, Volume 19, Issue 1, (2019)
Low hepatitis C prevalence in Belgium: implications for treatment reimbursement and scale up, Litzroth, Amber, Suin Vanessa, Wyndham-Thomas Chloé, Quoilin Sophie, Muyldermans Gaetan, Vanwolleghem Thomas, Kabamba-Mukadi Benoît, Verburgh Vera, Jacques Marjorie, Van Gucht Steven, et al. , BMC Public Health, Jan-12-2019, Volume 19, Issue 1, (2019)
A new multiplex RT-qPCR method for the simultaneous detection and discrimination of Zika and chikungunya viruses., Broeders, Sylvia, Garlant Linda, Fraiture Marie-Alice, Vandermassen Els, Suin Vanessa, Vanhomwegen Jessica, Dupont-Rouzeyrol Myrielle, Rousset Dominique, Van Gucht Steven, and Roosens Nancy , Int J Infect Dis, 2019 Dec 26, (2019)
Subsequent mortality in survivors of Ebola virus disease in Guinea: a nationwide retrospective cohort study, Mory, Keita, Diallo Boubacar, Mesfin Samuel, Abdourahmane Marega, Koumpingni Nebie Yacouba, N'Faly Magassouba, Ahmadou Barry, Coulibaly Seydou, Boubacar Barry, Oury Mamadou, et al. , The Lancet Infectious Diseases, Jan-09-2019, (2019)
Subsequent mortality in survivors of Ebola virus disease in Guinea: a nationwide retrospective cohort study, Mory, Keita, Diallo Boubacar, Mesfin Samuel, Abdourahmane Marega, Koumpingni Nebie Yacouba, N'Faly Magassouba, Ahmadou Barry, Coulibaly Seydou, Boubacar Barry, Oury Mamadou, et al. , The Lancet Infectious Diseases, Jan-09-2019, (2019)
Subtype-specific differences in the risk of hospitalisation among patients infected with hepatitis E virus genotype 3 in Belgium, 2010-2018., Subissi, Lorenzo, Peeters Michael, Lamoral Sophie, Klamer Sofieke, Suin Vanessa, and Van Gucht Steven , Epidemiol Infect, 2019 Jan, Volume 147, (2019)
Tick-Borne Encephalitis Virus Antibodies in Roe Deer, the Netherlands., Rijks, Jolianne M., Montizaan Margriet G. E., Bakker Nine, de Vries Ankje, Van Gucht Steven, Swaan Corien, van den Broek Jan, Gröne Andrea, and Sprong Hein , Emerg Infect Dis, 2019 Feb, Volume 25, Issue 2, (2019)
Time of administration of rabies immunoglobulins and adequacy of antibody response upon post-exposure prophylaxis: a descriptive retrospective study in Belgium., Soentjens, Patrick, Croughs Mieke, Burm Christophe, Declerq Steven, Clerinx Jan, Maniewski Ula, Van Den Brouck Steven, Theunissen Caroline, Huits Ralph, Brosius Isabel, et al. , Acta Clin Belg, 2019 Sep 04, (2019)
Application of whole genome data for in silico evaluation of primers and probes routinely employed for the detection of viral species by RT-qPCR using dengue virus as a case study., Vanneste, Kevin, Garlant Linda, Broeders Sylvia, Van Gucht Steven, and Roosens Nancy , BMC Bioinformatics, 2018 Sep 04, Volume 19, Issue 1, (2018)
Clinical burden of hepatitis E virus infection in a tertiary care center in Flanders, Belgium., Cattoir, Lien, Van Hoecke Frederik, Van Maerken Tom, Nys Eveline, Ryckaert Inge, De Boulle Matthias, Geerts Anja, Verhelst Xavier, Colle Isabelle, Hutse Veronik, et al. , J Clin Virol, 2018 Mar 19, Volume 103, (2018)
A Comparative Immunogenicity and Safety Trial of Two Different Schedules of Single-visit Intradermal Rabies Post-exposure Vaccination Following a Single-visit Pre-exposure Vaccination., Soentjens, P, De Koninck K, Tsoumanis A, Herssens N, Van Den Bossche D, Terryn Sanne, Van Gucht Steven, Van Damme P, Van Herrewege Y, and Bottieau E , Clin Infect Dis, 2018 Dec 19, (2018)
Development of a bioinformatics pipeline for the routine analysis of Influenza whole genome sequencing data, Fu, Qiang, Winand Raf, Van Braekel Julien, Barbezange Cyril, Hutse Veronik, Thomas Isabelle, Van Gucht Steven, De Keersmaecker Sigrid C. J., Roosens Nancy, and Vanneste Kevin , European Conference on Computational Biology 2018 conference ( 8 – 12 September, 2018, Athens, Greece, (2018)
Differences in antigenic sites and other functional regions between genotype A and G mumps virus surface proteins., Gouma, Sigrid, Vermeire Tessa, Van Gucht Steven, Martens Lennart, Hutse Veronik, Cremer Jeroen, Rota Paul A., Leroux-Roels Geert, Koopmans Marion, van Binnendijk Rob, et al. , Sci Rep, 2018 Sep 06, Volume 8, Issue 1, (2018)
Distribution of HCV genotypes in Belgium from 2008 to 2015., Bouacida, Lobna, Suin Vanessa, Hutse Veronik, Boudewijns Michaël, Cartuyvels Reinoud, Debaisieux Laurent, De Laere Emmanuel, Hallin Marie, Hougardy Nicolas, Lagrou Katrien, et al. , PLoS One, 2018, Volume 13, Issue 12, (2018)
Ebola Virus Transmission Caused by Persistently Infected Survivors of the 2014-2016 Outbreak in West Africa., Subissi, Lorenzo, Mory Keita, Mesfin Samuel, Rezza Giovanni, Diallo Boubacar, Van Gucht Steven, Musa Emmanuel Onuche, Zabulon Yoti, Sakoba Keita, Djingarey Mamoudou Harouna, et al. , J Infect Dis, 2018 Jun 18, (2018)

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