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Filtres: Auteur is Steven Van Gucht
Epidemiologische surveillance van rabiës - 2017, Rebolledo, Javiera, Brochier Bernard, Terryn Sanne, and Van Gucht Steven , 2018, Brussel, p.3, (2018)
Inhibition of MALT1 decreases neuroinflammation and pathogenicity of virulent rabies virus in mice., Kip, E, Staal J, Tima Giresse Hermann, Verstrepen L, Romano Marta, Lemeire K, Suin Vanessa, Hamouda Assia, Baens M, Libert C, et al. , J Virol, 2018 Aug 29, (2018)
MALT1 controls attenuated rabies virus by inducing early inflammation and T cell activation in the brain., Kip, E, Staal J, Verstrepen L, Tima Giresse H, Terryn Sanne, Romano Marta, Lemeire K, Suin Vanessa, Hamouda Assia, Kalai M, et al. , J Virol, 2018 Jan 24, (2018)
Monitoring of influenza: Whole-Genome Sequencing to provide insights in the disease severity, Van Poelvoorde, Laura, De Keersmaecker Sigrid C. J., Vanneste Kevin, Van Gucht Steven, Thomas Isabelle, Saelens Xavier, Barbezange Cyril, and Roosens Nancy , The 6th International Influenza Meeting, 2-4 September 2018 Münster, Germany, (2018)
Pre-exposure intradermal rabies vaccination: a non-inferiority trial in healthy adults on shortening the vaccination schedule from 28 to 7 days., Soentjens, P, Andries P, Aerssens A, Tsoumanis A, Ravinetto R, Heuninckx W, van Loen H, Brochier B, Van Gucht Steven, Van Damme P, et al. , Clin Infect Dis, 2018 Jun 25, (2018)
Rabies antibody response after two intradermal pre-exposure prophylaxis immunizations: An observational cohort study., De Pijper, Cornelis Adrianus, Boersma Jimmy, Terryn Sanne, Van Gucht Steven, Goorhuis Abraham, Grobusch Martin Peter, and Stijnis Cornelis , Travel Med Infect Dis, 2018 Apr 06, (2018)
Sera from different age cohorts in Belgium show limited cross-neutralisation between the mumps vaccine and outbreak strains, Vermeire, Tessa, Barbezange Cyril, Francart Aurélie, Hamouda Assia, Litzroth Amber, Hutse Veronik, Martens Lennart, Vandermarliere Elien, and Van Gucht Steven , Clinical Microbiology and Infection, 28/11/2018, (2018)
Surveillance épidémiologique de la rage - 2017, Rebolledo, Javiera, Brochier Bernard, Terryn Sanne, and Van Gucht Steven , 2018, p.3, (2018)
Virological Surveillance of Influenza in Belgium Season 2017-2018, Thomas, Isabelle, Barbezange Cyril, Van Gucht Steven, Weyckmans Jeannine, Fdillate Ilham, Van Eycken Reinout, Hamouda Assia, Bossuyt Nathalie, Quoilin Sophie, Van Casteren Viviane, et al. , Volume ISSN number: D/2018/14.440/40, (2018)
Comparative Tick-Borne Encephalitis (Virus) Surveillance in Belgium 2009-2015: Experiences with Diagnostic Tests, Sentinel Species and Surveillance Designs, Roelandt, Sophie, Suin Vanessa, Van Gucht Steven, Van der Stede Yves, and Roels S. , Journal of Zoonotic Diseases and Public Health, 26/07/2017, Volume 1, Issue 4, (2017)
European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control. EU Laboratory Capability Monitoring System (EULabCap) – Report on 2015 survey of EU/EEA country capabilities and capacities., Leitmeye, Katrin, Revez Joana, Struelens Marc, Van Gucht Steven, and Dierick Katelijne , May 2017, Stockholm, Sweden, p.48, (2017)
European OneHealth/EcoHealth workshop report - Brussels, 6-7 October 2016., Keune, Hans, Flandroy Lucette, Thys Séverine, De Regge Nick, Mori Marcella, van den Berg Thierry, Antoine-Moussiaux Nicolas, Vanhove Maarten P. M., Rebolledo Javiera, Van Gucht Steven, et al. , 201, Brussels, Belgium, p.48, (2017)
Flu impact: European & Belgian insights. Meeting report: Grasp Flu prevention. Get ready to act through science and policy for flu prevention., Van Gucht(contributing scientist), Steven , 2017, Brussels, Belgium, p.24, (2017)
Hepatitis E virus serology and PCR: does the methodology matter?, Cattoir, Lien, Van Hoecke Frederik, Van Maerken Tom, Nys Eveline, Ryckaert Inge, De Boulle Matthias, Geerts Anja, Verhelst Xavier, Colle Isabelle, Hutse Veronik, et al. , Arch Virol, 2017 Sep, Volume 162, Issue 9, p.2625-2632, (2017)
The HUMTICK study: protocol for a prospective cohort study on post-treatment Lyme disease syndrome and the disease and cost burden of Lyme borreliosis in Belgium., Geebelen, Laurence, Lernout Tinne, Kabamba-Mukadi Benoît, Saegeman Veroniek, Sprong Hein, Van Gucht Steven, Beutels Philippe, Speybroeck Niko, and Tersago Katrien , Arch Public Health, 2017, Volume 75, p.42, (2017)
Impact of caspase-1/11, -3, -7, or IL-1/IL-18 deficiency on rabies virus-induced macrophage cell death and onset of disease., Kip, E, Nazé F, Suin Vanessa, Vanden Berghe T, Francart Aurélie, Lamoral S, Vandenabeele P, Beyaert R, Van Gucht Steven, and Kalai M , Cell Death Discov, 2017, Volume 3, p.17012, (2017)
Jaarrapport 2016: Hepatitis C virus, Muyldermans, Gaetan, Van Gucht Steven, and Van Baelen L , 2017, Brussels, Belgium, p.16, (2017)
The need for European OneHealth/EcoHealth networks., Keune, Hans, Flandroy Lucette, Thys Séverine, De Regge Nick, Mori Marcella, Antoine-Moussiaux Nicolas, Vanhove Maarten P. M., Rebolledo Javiera, Van Gucht Steven, Deblauwe Isra, et al. , Arch Public Health, 2017, Volume 75, (2017)
Seasonal influenza surveillance (Belgique/België/Belgium) : Résumé saison 2016-2017 - Overzicht seizoen 2016-2017 - Overview season 2016-2017, Thomas, Isabelle, Barbezange Cyril, Van Gucht Steven, Bossuyt Nathalie, Bustos Sierra Natalia, Quoilin Sophie, Van Casteren Viviane, and Pirson Y. , 06/2017, Brussels, Belgium, p.27, (2017)
Survey on the Use of Whole-Genome Sequencing for Infectious Diseases Surveillance: Rapid Expansion of European National Capacities, 2015-2016., Revez, Joana, Espinosa Laura, Albiger Barbara, Leitmeyer Katrin Claire, and Struelens Marc Jean , Front Public Health, 2017, Volume 5, (2017)
TBE in Belgium, Suin, Vanessa, Brochier Bernard, Van Gucht Steven, and Roelandt Sophie , TBE in Belgium, 2017, Singapore, p.3, (2017)
Tick-Borne Encephalitis Virus in Ticks and Roe Deer, the Netherlands., Jahfari, Setareh, de Vries Ankje, Rijks Jolianne M., Van Gucht Steven, Vennema Harry, Sprong Hein, and Rockx Barry , Emerg Infect Dis, 2017 Jun, Volume 23, Issue 6, p.1028-1030, (2017)
Bats as reservoirs of emerging pathogens, Van Gucht, Steven , SSID Scientific Seminar Infectious Diseases, 0/0/2016, Issue WIV-ISP, NA, (2016)
De rol van koude bij verkoudheid, Vankrunkelsven, P., Finoulst M., and Van Gucht Steven , Tijdscrift voor Geneeskunde, 0/0/2016, Volume 72, Issue 1, Number 60, p.57 - 60, (2016)
Differences among mumps virus surface proteins between genotype G and other genotypes and their potential effect on mumps virus immunity and pathogenesis., Vermeire, T., Gouma S., Van Gucht Steven, Martens L., Hutse Veronik, Cremer J., Leroux-Roels G., Koopmans M., Van Binnendijk R., and Vandermarliere E. , 19th Annual Meeting of the European Society for Clinical Virology (ESCV), 0/9/2016, Issue ESCV, NA, (2016)

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