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Filtres: Auteur is Vanessa Mathys
Prediction of Susceptibility to First-Line Tuberculosis Drugs by DNA Sequencing, The CRyPTIC Consortium and the 100000 Genomes Project, Allix-Béguec Caroline, Arandjelovic Irena, Bi Lijun, Beckert Patrick, Bonnet Maryline, Bradley Phelim, Cabibbe Andrea, Cancino-Muñoz Irving, Caulfield Mark J., et al. , New England Journal of MedicineNew England Journal of MedicineN Engl J Med, 2018/09/26, (2018)
RNA-based drug susceptibility testing of Mycobacterium tuberculosis, Van den Bossche, An, Bhattacharyya Roby, Coppee Jean-Yves, Rigouts Leen, Baulard Alain, Vodolazkaia Alexandra, Hung Deborah, Mathys Vanessa, and Ceyssens Pieter-Jan , 2nd St. Petersburg Symposium on Tuberculosis and Mycobacteria: Molecular Approach, Issue Institut Pasteur Sint Petersburg, Sint Petersburg, (2018)
RNA-based drug susceptibility testing of Mycobacterium tuberculosis, Van den Bossche, An, Bhattacharyya Roby, Coppee Jean-Yves, Rigouts Leen, Baulard Alain, Hung Deborah, Mathys Vanessa, and Ceyssens Pieter-Jan , 39th Annual Congress of the European Society of Mycobacteriology , 07/2018, Issue ESM, Dresden, Germany, (2018)
RNA-based drug susceptibility testing of Mycobacterium tuberculosis, Van den Bossche, An, Rigouts Leen, Coppee Jean-Yves, Mathys Vanessa, and Ceyssens Pieter-Jan , Combating resistance : microbes and vectors, 16/11/2018, Issue Institute Pasteur, Paris, France, (2018)
Time-and-motion tool for the assessment of working time in tuberculosis laboratories: a multicentre study., Mathys, Vanessa, Roycroft E, Raftery P, Groenheit R, Folkvardsen B D., Homorodean D, Vasiliauskiene E, Vasiliauskaite L, Kodmon C, van der Werf J, et al. , Int J Tuberc Lung Dis, 2018 Apr 01, Volume 22, Issue 4, (2018)
Case report of a false positive result of the Xpert(®) MTB/RIF assay for rifampicin resistance in Mycobacterium tuberculosis complex., Claessens, Jolien, Mathys Vanessa, Derdelinckx Inge, and Saegeman Veroniek , Acta Clin Belg, 2017 Jun, Volume 72, Issue 3, p.195-197, (2017)
Consensus numbering system for the rifampicin resistance-associated rpoB gene mutations in pathogenic mycobacteria., André, E, Goeminne L, Cabibbe A, Beckert P, Kabamba Mukadi B, Mathys Vanessa, Gagneux S, Niemann S, Van Ingen J, and Cambau E , Clin Microbiol Infect, 2017 Mar, Volume 23, Issue 3, Number 172, p.167-172, (2017)
Global transcriptional analyses of Mycobacterium tuberculosis using old and new drugs, Van den Bossche, An, Ceyssens Pieter-Jan, Bhattacharyya Roby, Hung Deborah, and Mathys Vanessa , 38th Annual Congress of the European Society of Mycobacteriology, 06/2017, Issue ESM, Sibenik, Craotia, (2017)
Global transcriptional analyses of Mycobacterium tuberculosis using old and new drugs, Van den Bossche, An, Ceyssens Pieter-Jan, Bhattacharyya Roby, Hung Deborah, and Mathys Vanessa , ECCMID 2017, 04/2017, Issue ESCMID, Vienna, Austria, (2017)
Matrix-Assisted Laser Desorption Ionization-Time of Flight Mass Spectrometry for Combined Species Identification and Drug Sensitivity Testing in Mycobacteria., Ceyssens, Pieter-Jan, Soetaert Karine, Timke Markus, Van den Bossche An, Sparbier Katrin, De Cremer Koen, Kostrzewa Markus, Hendrickx Marijke, and Mathys Vanessa , J Clin Microbiol, 2017 Feb, Volume 55, Issue 2, p.624-634, (2017)
Molecular epidemiology of Mycobacterium tuberculosis complex in Brussels, 2010-2013., Vluggen, Christelle, Karine Soetaert, Groenen Guido, Wanlin Maryse, Spitaels Martine, de Oñate Wouter Arrazola, Fauville-Dufaux Maryse, Saegerman Claude, and Mathys Vanessa , PLoS One, 2017, Volume 12, Issue 2, p.e0172554, (2017)
Nontuberculous mycobacteria among pulmonary tuberculosis patients: a retrospective Belgian multicenter study., De Keukeleire, Steven, Mathys Vanessa, Van den Wijngaert Sigi, Van De Vyvere Martine, Jonckheere Stijn, De Beenhouwer Hans, de Bel Annelies, de Oñate Wouter Arrazola, Wanlin Maryse, Piérard Denis, et al. , Acta Clin Belg, 2017 Feb, Volume 72, Issue 1, p.45-48, (2017)
Reversion of antibiotic resistance in Mycobacterium tuberculosis by spiroisoxazoline SMARt-420., Blondiaux, Nicolas, Moune Martin, Desroses Matthieu, Frita Rosangela, Flipo Marion, Mathys Vanessa, Soetaert Karine, Kiass Mehdi, Delorme Vincent, Djaout Kamel, et al. , Science, 2017 03 17, Volume 355, Issue 6330, p.1206-1211, (2017)
Trend analysis suggested a change in subspecies among Mycobacterium avium isolated from pigs in Belgium, 1967–2013, Soetaert, Karine, Vluggen C., Duytschaever L, Denoël J., Roupie Virginie, Smeets F., Bruffaerts Nicolas, Huygen K., Fretin David, Diels M., et al. , Veterinary Record, Jun-05-2017, Volume 180, Issue 18, (2017)
Trend analysis suggested a change in subspecies among isolated from pigs in Belgium, 1967-2013., Soetaert, Karine, Duytschaever L, Denoël J, Roupie Virginie, Smeets F, Bruffaerts Nicolas, Huygen K, Fretin David, Diels M, Rigouts L, et al. , Vet Rec, 2017 May 06, Volume 180, Issue 18, p.449, (2017)
Tuberculose en antibioticaresistentie: het WIV draagt bij tot de ontwikkeling van een nieuw prototype van een geneesmiddel, Mathys, Vanessa, and Soetaert Karine , WIV-ISP website, 20/03/2017, Brussels, Belgium, p.1, (2017)
Tuberculose et antibiorésistance : l’ISP contribue au développement d’un nouveau prototype de médicament, Mathys, Vanessa, and Soetaert Karine , WIV-ISP website, 20/03/2017, Brussels, Belgium, p.1, (2017)
Virulence and immunogenicity of genetically defined human and porcine isolates of M. avium subsp. hominissuis in an experimental mouse infection., Bruffaerts, Nicolas, Vluggen Christelle, Roupie Virginie, Duytschaever Lucille, Van den Poel Christophe, Denoël Joseph, Wattiez Ruddy, Letesson Jean-Jacques, Fretin David, Rigouts Leen, et al. , PLoS One, 2017, Volume 12, Issue 2, p.e0171895, (2017)
Virulence and immunogenicity of genetically defined human and porcine isolates of M. avium subsp. hominissuis in an experimental mouse infection, Bruffaerts, Nicolas, Vluggen Christelle, Roupie Virginie, Duytschaever Lucille, Van den Poel Christophe, Noël Joseph, Wattiez Ruddy, Letesson Jean-Jacques, Fretin David, Rigouts Leen, et al. , PLOS ONE, Sep-02-2017, Volume 12, Issue 2, (2017)
Détermination des sous-espèces et génotypage des souches humaines et porcines de Mycobacterium avium isolées en Belgique, Vluggen, Christelle, Soetaert Karine, Dutschaever L., Denoel J., Smeets F., Bruffaerts Nicolas, Huygen K, Fretin David, Saegerman C., and Mathys Vanessa , Belspo RT-project, 0/0/2016, Issue Belspo, NA, (2016)
Evolution des espèces mycobactériennes identifiées au CNR au cours du temps., Mathys, Vanessa , Réunion des laboratoires du réseau de surveillance de la (multi)résistance., 0/0/2016, Issue FARES, (2016)
Frequency of Mycobacterium chimaera among Belgian patients, 2015., Soetaert, Karine, Vluggen Christelle, André Emmanuel, Vanhoof Raymond, Vanfleteren Brigitte, and Mathys Vanessa , J Med Microbiol, 2016 Nov, Volume 65, Issue 11, p.1307-1310, (2016)
Genome Sequences of Four Strains of Mycobacterium avium subsp. hominissuis, Isolated from Swine and Humans, Differing in Virulence in a Murine Intranasal Infection Model., Bruffaerts, Nicolas, Duytschaever L, Mathys Vanessa, Saegerman C, Chapeira O, and Huygen K , Genome Announc, 2016 Jun 16, Volume 4, Issue 3, (2016)
Genotyping and strain distribution of Mycobacterium avium subspecies hominissuis isolated from humans and pigs in Belgium, 2011-2013., Vluggen, Christelle, Soetaert Karine, Duytschaever Lucille, Denoël Joseph, Fauville-Dufaux Maryse, Smeets François, Bruffaerts Nicolas, Huygen Kris, Fretin David, Rigouts Leen, et al. , Euro Surveill, 2016, Volume 21, Issue 3, p.30111, (2016)
Infections mycobactériennes chez l'homme et l'animal, Mathys, Vanessa, and Fretin David , One Health Seminar, 0/0/2016, Issue WIV-ISP, NA, (2016)

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