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Filtres: Auteur is Vanessa Mathys
Ethionamide boosters. 2. Combining bioisosteric replacement and structure-based drug design to solve pharmacokinetic issues in a series of potent 1,2,4-oxadiazole EthR inhibitors31058, Flipo, M., Desroses M., Lecat-Guillet N., Villemagne B., Blondiaux N., Leroux F., Piveteau C., Mathys Vanessa, Flament M.P., Siepmann J., et al. , J.Med.Chem., 12/1/2012, Volume 55, Issue 1, Number 83, p.68 - 83, (2012)
Evolutionary changes in antimicrobial resistance of invasive Neisseria meningitidis isolates in Belgium from 2000 to 2010: increasing prevalence of penicillin nonsusceptibility., Bertrand, Sophie, Carion Françoise, Wintjens René, Mathys Vanessa, and Vanhoof Raymond , Antimicrob Agents Chemother, 2012 May, Volume 56, Issue 5, p.2268-72, (2012)
The fluoropyrimidine chemotherapeutic agent 5-fluorouracil displays strong anti-tubercular activity in vitro, Mathys, Vanessa, Singhal A., Lefevre P., Kiass M., Wang X.M., Mathema B., Kurepina N., Kreiswirth B.N., and Bifani P. , 107th General Meeting, 0/0/2012, Issue American Society for Microbiology (ASM), NA, (2012)
Le rat Wistar : modèle pour la tuberculose latente?, Mathys, Vanessa , Journal Club Antibiotics (JCA), 0/0/2012, Issue Scientific Institute of Public Health, Service Maladies Bactériennes, NA, (2012)
Systematic analysis of pyrazinamide-resistant spontaneous mutants and clinical isolates of Mycobacterium tuberculosis., Stoffels, Karolien, Mathys Vanessa, Fauville-Dufaux Maryse, Wintjens René, and Bifani Pablo , Antimicrob Agents Chemother, 2012 Oct, Volume 56, Issue 10, p.5186-93, (2012)
Urease activity represents an alternative pathway for Mycobacterium tuberculosis nitrogen metabolism31064, Lin, W., Mathys Vanessa, Ang E.L., Koh V.H., Gomez J.M. Martinez, Ang M.L., Rahim S.Z. Zainul, Tan M.P., Pethe K., and Alonso S. , Infect.Immun., 0/8/2012, Volume 80, Issue 8, Number 2779, p.2771 - 2779, (2012)
BCG induces protection against Mycobacterium tuberculosis infection in the Wistar rat model36573, Singhal, A., Mathys Vanessa, Kiass M., Creusy C., Delaire B., M. Aliouat El, Dartois V., Kaplan G., and Bifani P. , PLoS.One., 0/0/2011, Volume 6, Issue 12, p.e28082, (2011)
Experimental tuberculosis in the Wistar rat: a model for protective immunity and control of infection36574, Singhal, A., M. Aliouat El, Herve M., Mathys Vanessa, Kiass M., Creusy C., Delaire B., Tsenova L., Fleurisse L., Bertout J., et al. , PLoS.One., 0/0/2011, Volume 6, Issue 4, p.e18632, (2011)
Extremely high prevalence of multidrug resistant tuberculosis in Murmansk, Russia: a population-based study36555, Makinen, J., Marjamaki M., Haanpera-Heikkinen M., Marttila H., Endourova L.B., Presnova S.E., Mathys Vanessa, Bifani P., Ruohonen R., Viljanen M.K., et al. , Eur.J.Clin.Microbiol.Infect.Dis., 0/9/2011, Volume 30, Issue 9, Number 1126, p.1119 - 1126, (2011)
Le rat Wistar: un modèle pour la tuberculose latente?, Singhal, A., el Aliouat M., Herve M., Mathys Vanessa, Kiass M., Creusy C., Delaire B., Tsenova L., Fleurisse L., Boukhouchi W., et al. , Mycoclub2, 0/0/2011, Issue Mycoclub, (2011)
M. tuberculosis : traitement et résistance aux antibiotiques, Mathys, Vanessa, and Fauville M. , Réunion des laboratoires du réseau de surveillance de la (multi)résistance, 0/0/2011, Issue FARES-VRGT, NA, (2011)
Molecular epidemiology of tuberculosis in Brussels - 1 year results (2010), Mathys, Vanessa, Vanfleteren B., and Fauville M. , TB-PANNET Mid-Term Meeting, 0/0/2011, Issue TB-PANNET, NA, (2011)
Mycobacterium tuberculosis infection induces hypoxic lung lesions in the rat36548, Heng, Y., Seah P.G., Siew J.Y., Tay H.C., Singhal A., Mathys Vanessa, Kiass M., Bifani P., Dartois V., and Herve M. , Tuberculosis.(Edinb.), 0/7/2011, Volume 91, Issue 4, Number 341, p.339 - 341, (2011)
TB BRU-NET…une partie de TB-PAN-NET, Mathys, Vanessa, and Fauville M. , Réunion des laboratoires du réseau de surveillance de la (multi)résistance, 0/0/2011, Issue FARES-VRGT, NA, (2011)
Effect of PstS sub-units or PknD deficiency on the survival of Mycobacterium tuberculosis., Vanzembergh, Frederic, Peirs Priska, Lefèvre Philippe, Celio Nathalie, Mathys Vanessa, Content Jean, and Kalai Michael , Tuberculosis (Edinb), 2010 Nov, Volume 90, Issue 6, p.338-45, (2010)
Etude des mécanismes de résistance de M. tuberculosis aux agents antituberculeux, Mathys, Vanessa , Journal Club Antibiotics, 0/0/2010, Issue WIV-ISP, NA, (2010)
Identification d'espèce des mycobactéries non tuberculeuses: quel fragment génique séquencer et dans quelle(s) base(s) de séquences analyser le résultat?, Mathys, Vanessa, Vanfleteren B., Stoffels K., and Fauville M. , Mycoclub, 0/0/2010, Issue Mycoclub, (2010)
Identification of non-tuberculous mycobacteria by sequencing a fragment of the 16S rRNA gene : which internet database use to analyze the sequence?, Mathys, Vanessa, and Fauville M. , ESM annual Meeting, 0/0/2010, Issue European Society of Mycobacteriology (ESM), NA, (2010)
Molecular Genetics of para -Aminosalicylic Acid Resistance in Clinical Isolates and Spontaneous Mutants of Mycobacterium tuberculosis, Mathys, Vanessa , TB-PAN-NET 1st Anual Meeting, 0/0/2010, Issue TB-PANNET, NA, (2010)
Mycobacterium tuberculosis : treatment and resistance to antibiotics, Mathys, Vanessa , Tuesday Seminar, 0/0/2010, Issue WIV-ISP, NA, (2010)

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