Résultats de la recherche - 22 results

Determinants of placental iodine concentrations in a mild-to-moderate iodine-deficient population: an ENVIRONAGE cohort study

378 participants. Results A higher pre-pregnancy BMI, higher gestational weight gain, and alcohol consumption during pregnancy were linked with lower placental iodine storage. Multi-vitamin supplementation during ...

Dietary exposure of the Belgian population to mineral oil

EFSA and RIVM. The main contributors in Belgium were similar to previous studies (i.e. cereal products and oils), but an important additional contribution of non-alcoholic drinks was identified due to ...

Habitual food consumption of the Belgian population in 2014-2015 and adherence to food-based dietary guidelines.

comply with FBDG. The consumption of nutrient-poor and energy-dense foods (e.g. alcohol, soft drinks and snacks) was excessive (35% of total energy intake), while the consumption of most other food groups ...

Socio-economic patterning of expenditures on ‘out-of-home’ food and non-alcoholic beverages by product and place of purchase in Britain

Publication Type: Peer reviewed scientific article Authors: Laura Cornelsen; Nicolas Berger; Steven Cummins; Richard D. Smith Source: Social Science & Medicine, Volume 235 (2019) Manuscript versions:  DOI:  https://doi.org/10.1016/j.socscimed.2019.112 ...

Longitudinal pharmacoepidemiological and health services research for substance users in treatment: protocol of the Belgian TDI-IMA linkage.

have been in alcohol or drug treatment between 01/0½011 and 31/12/2014. Through this linkage, pharmacoepidemiological and health service data became available for at least 3 years before the first ...

Changes in health in Belgium, 1990-2016: a benchmarking analysis based on the global burden of disease 2016 study

by acting on risk factors directly linked to a significant part of the Belgian burden of diseases, i.e., alcohol and tobacco consumption, and high body mass index. National burden of disease estimates ...

Prevalence of drug use during sex amongst MSM in Europe: Results from a multi-site bio-behavioural survey.

Multivariable multi-level logistic random-intercept model (random effect of study site) was estimated to identify factors associated with the use of alcohol, cannabis, party drugs, sexual performance enhancement ...

Assessment of dietary intake of 10 intense sweeteners by the Italian population.

collected food products at Tier 3. The estimated exposure among consumers of sweeteners in Italy was well below the ADI s, in both tiers; non-alcoholic beverages, table-top sweeteners and food supplements ...

L'enregistrement TDI en Belgique- Rapport annuel, année d'enregistrement 2015

Publication Type: Sci. report, recommendat°, guidance doc., directive, monograph Authors: Jérôme Antoine Source: WIV-ISP, Brussels, p.169 (2016) Accession Number: 2507-119X Keywords: alcohol Belgium ...

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