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Résultats de la recherche - 320 results

Dietary exposure assessment and risk characterization of citrinin and ochratoxin A in Belgium

OTA using a validated liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry method. Daily CIT and OTA exposure to the Belgian population was calculated based on the analytical results and food consumption data ...

Position paper on the use of an “estimated acceptable concentration” (EAC) as basis for a control policy's action level for carcinogens unintentionally present in food

substantiated by a quick scoping review of scientific literature and reports. Key findings and conclusions Case-dependent, whether a threshold effect level can be defined or not, the EAC is calculated based on ...

Comparing health insurance data and health interview survey data for ascertaining chronic disease prevalence in Belgium.

statistic was also calculated. Participants’ sociodemographic and health status characteristics associated with agreement were tested using logistic regression for each CD. RESULTS: Prevalence from BCHI data ...

All-cause mortality supports the COVID-19 mortality in Belgium and comparison with major fatal events of the last century.

deaths and the COVID-19 mortality rate per million were calculated for hospitals, nursing homes and other places of death, according to diagnostic status (confirmed/possible infection). To evaluate ...

The potential impact of an implemented income redistribution package on obesity prevalence in New Zealand.

to assess associations between relative income (income inequality measured by Gini) and obesity prevalence (from the NCD-RisC) for OECD countries. Potential impact fractions were calculated to ...

Update of the risk assessment of nickel in food and drinking water

new occurrence data, the updated benchmark dose (BMD) Guidance and newly available scientific information. More than 47,000 analytical results on the occurrence of nickel were used for calculating ...

The Cost of Diets According to Their Caloric Share of Ultraprocessed and Minimally Processed Foods in Belgium.

their extent of processing using the NOVA classification. The average caloric share (percentage of daily energy intake) of UPF and MPF were calculated. The mean diet cost was compared across the UPF and ...

An expert opinion assessment of blood-feeding arthropods based on their capacity to transmit African swine fever virus in Metropolitan France.

BFA was calculated permitting to rank the different BFA s in decreasing order. Finally, a regression tree analysis was used to group those BFA s with comparable likelihood to play a role in ASF ...

Use of a Whole Genome Sequencing-based approach for Mycobacterium tuberculosis surveillance in Europe in 2017-2019: an ECDC pilot study.

including both core genome multilocus sequence typing (cgMLST), and single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP)-based calculation of distances on all WGS data that fulfilled minimum quality criteria to ensure data ...

PT-2020-NRL-TE-FASFC “Determination of As, Cd, Pb and Hg in food supplements"

assigned values (xa) and their uncertainty (u(xa)) were determined as the consensus of participant’s results. Standard deviations for proficiency assessment were calculated using the modified ...

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