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Résultats de la recherche - 320 results

The burden of legionnaires' disease in Belgium, 2013 to 2017.

reported by the three surveillance systems. This estimate was the basis for our hazard- and incidence-based Disability-Adjusted Life Years (DALY s) calculation. To account for uncertainty in the estimations ...

Towards a unified classification for human respiratory syncytial virus genotypes.

phylogenetic trees were reconstructed using the complete genome alignments. Patristic distances were calculated between all pairs of tips in the phylogenetic tree and summarized as a density plot in order to ...

Risk assessment of ochratoxin A in food

exposure (MOE) approach was applied. For the characterisation of non‐neoplastic effects, a BMDL10  of 4.73 μg/kg body weight (bw) per day was calculated from kidney lesions observed in pigs. For ...

Risk assessment of chlorinated paraffins in feed and food

consumption of fish was performed, and the calculated margins of exposure suggested no health concern for this limited scenario. The Panel noted that dietary exposure will be higher due to the contribution of ...


the Acceptable Exposure Level (AEL) and Daily Exposure Dose (DED) were calculated and compared to each other in the context of a quantitative health risk assessment (QHRA) for sensitization. The DED did ...

Risk assessment of aflatoxins in food

0.4 lg/kg body weight (bw) per day for the incidence of HCC in male rats following AFB1 exposure to be used in a margin of exposure (MOE) approach. The calculation of a BMDL from the human data was not ...

Variability of iodine concentrations in the human placenta.

Sandell-Kolthoff method. The variability between and within the three sample regions was calculated using the intra-class correlation coefficient (ICC) from the variance components of mixed models. With the Friedman ...

Adjusting for comorbidity in incidence-based DALY calculations: an individual-based modeling approach

calculations are carried out for each condition separately, multimorbidity may lead to an overestimation of the morbidity component, the Years Lived with Disability (YLD). Adjusting for comorbidity may be ...

Reflections on key methodological decisions in national burden of disease assessments

when calculating BoD metrics. We have provided examples from different BoD studies that have developed their own strategies in data usage and implementation of statistical methods in the production of ...

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