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Résultats de la recherche - 320 results
Harmonising summary measures of population health using global survey instruments.
and Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) members. In this paper, which summarises the main results, we argue that harmonised health data needed for health expectancy calculation ...
Respiratory medication sales and urban air pollution in Brussels (2005 to 2011).
each subject's residential exposure to outdoor particulate matter (PM10) or NO2 estimated, by interpolation from monitoring stations. We calculated cumulative risk ratios (RR) and their 95% ...
Adverse obstetric outcomes after local treatment for cervical preinvasive and early invasive disease according to cone depth: systematic review and meta-analysis.
data and performed quality assessment using the Newcastle-Ottawa criteria. Studies were classified according to method and obstetric endpoint. Pooled risk ratios were calculated with a random effect ...
Scientific opinion on Malachite green in food
calculated, considering the RPA as occurrence value for all types of fish, fish products and crustaceans. Mean dietary exposure across different European dietary surveys and age classes would range from 0.1 to ...
Socioeconomic Inequalities in Smoking and Smoking Cessation Due to a Smoking Ban: General Population-Based Cross-Sectional Study in Luxembourg.
2007, and 2008. Smoking prevalence and smoking cessation due to the 2006 smoking ban were used as the main smoking outcomes. Two inequality measures were calculated to assess the magnitude and temporal ...
Introducing speciation changes, human bioaccessibility and bioavailability in the risk evaluation of dietary inorganic arsenic intake: a Belgian case study
food matrices were obtained by means of the Caco-2 cell system. From these data, human intestinal absorption values were derived (bioavailability). To perform As in- and uptake calculations, different ...
Discriminative power of campylobacter phenotypic and genotypic typing methods
calculated by the Simpson’s index of diversity (SID) and the congruence was measured by the adjusted Rand index and adjusted Wallace coefficient. MLST was individually the most discriminative typing method for ...
Brominated flame retardants in Belgian foodstuffs- recent evaluation by a novel UPLC-MS/MS method
Thibault-Pralin,P., Roussel,H. (2016) Keywords: an analysi analysis Animal Animals AS assessment Belgium brominated flame retardants calculation Categories chemicals chromatography CONSUMPTION Countries data effect ...
Linking existing in vitro dermal absorption data to physicochemical properties: Contribution to the design of a weight-of-evidence approach for the safety evaluation of cosmetic ingredients with low dermal bioavailability.
“margin of safety” (MoS) is calculated. This uncertainty factor is based on the systemic no observable (adverse) effect level (NO (A) EL) which can be derived from in vivo repeated dose toxicity studies. As ...
Late presentation to HIV testing is overestimated when based on the consensus definition.
(< 6 months) as reported by clinicians in the case of acute illness or a recent negative test. First, proportions of LP s were calculated according to the consensus definition. Secondly, LP s were ...