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Résultats de la recherche - 320 results
Validity of self-reported use of health care in the European Health Interview Survey
and a physiotherapist, as well as inpatient and day patient hospitalisation. The concordance between the two data sources was assessed by calculating the percentage of agreement and Cohen’s kappa. ...
Community Incidence of Campylobacteriosis and Nontyphoidal Salmonellosis, France, 2008-2013.
intervals (CrI) were calculated using Monte Carlo simulation. In addition, we estimated the number of hospitalizations for both infections in France. The annual community incidence rate in France is estimated ...
Identification of (antioxidative) plants in herbal pharmaceutical preparations and dietary supplements.
herbal product or a standard preparation. Calculation of the dissimilarity between these fingerprints will result in a probability of presence of the targeted plant. Optionally mass spectrometry can be ...
How well do physical activity questions perform? A European cognitive testing study.
calculating the total duration of more than one activity or instance of an activity. The revealed problems with the questionnaires were quite similar in different countries; profound cultural differences were ...
Occurrence of volatile organic compounds in foods from the Belgian market and dietary exposure assessment
chloroform (97%), toluene (95%), ethyl benzene (80%), o-xylene (79%) and benzene (58%). Dietary intake by the Belgian adult population was calculated for these five most prevalent VOC s. The maximum ...
Evaluation of a hierarchical ascendant clustering process implemented in a veterinary syndromic surveillance system.
labels. Rand indexes were calculated to measure similarity between clustering outcomes. The clustering algorithm in its default settings successfully segregated the reference BTV cases from the non- BTV ...
Scop3D: Three-dimensional visualization of sequence conservation36934
corresponding sequence variants into a multiple sequence alignment, calculating each position’s conservation, and mapping this information back onto a relevant structure is not straightforward. We therefore built ...
The implementation of an organised cervical screening programme in Poland: an analysis of the adherence to European guidelines.
indicators can be calculated due to screening database incompleteness or lack of linkage between existing databases. The screening database does not include opportunistic smears collected within NHF-reimbursed ...
Sonic hedgehog and Gli1 expression predict outcome in resected pancreatic adenocarcinoma.
patients from three independent cohorts who underwent surgical resection for PDAC. In 82 patients, the tumor stromal index (SI) was calculated, and its association with overall survival (OS) and disease-free ...
Human biomonitoring of multiple mycotoxins in the Belgian population: Results of the BIOMYCO study.
nephrotoxicity, hepatotoxicity or immunosuppression. The assessment of mycotoxin exposure is often based on calculations combining mycotoxin occurrence data in food with population data on food consumption. Because ...