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Résultats de la recherche - 320 results
Antimicrobial use in Belgian broiler production
incidences (TI) based on the defined daily doses (the dose as it should be applied: DDD) and used daily doses (the actual dose applied: UDD) were calculated. A mean antimicrobial treatment incidence per 1000 ...
Simulation of total dietary iodine intake in Flemish preschool children.
aim of the present study was to calculate the distribution of total iodine intake among Flemish preschoolers and to identify the major sources contributing to iodine intake. A simulation model using ...
A validated ultra high pressure liquid chromatographic method for qualification and quantification of folic acid in pharmaceutical preparations
starting parameters were calculated using the ‘Acquity UPLC Service: Geneesmiddelen en gezondheidsproducten Medicines and health products Médicaments et produits de santé Category: C32 ...
Prospective study on quantitative and qualitative antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory drug use in white veal calves
dose (PDD) and used daily dose (UDD) were calculated. Risk factors were identified by linear regression. RESULTS: The average TI (ADD) of antimicrobial treatments was 416.8 ADD per 1000 animals at risk. ...
Comparison of different approaches to evaluate External Quality Assessment Data.
of the presence of outliers. For this, two different types of approaches exist. The first type are “outlier-based” approaches, which first exclude outlying values, calculate the average and standard ...
Primary screening for human papillomavirus compared with cytology screening for cervical cancer in European settings: cost effectiveness analysis based on a Dutch microsimulation model
calculate the preferred number of examinations over a woman’s lifetime. DESIGN: Cost effectiveness analysis based on a Dutch simulation model. Base case analyses investigated the cost effectiveness of more ...
Campylobacter contamination in broiler carcasses and correlation with slaughterhouses operational hygiene inspection35211
concentration, as calculated by maximum likelihood estimation for left-censored data, was 1.8 log(10) CFU /g, with a standard deviation of 1.9 log(10) CFU /g. There was statistically significant variation among ...
Scientific Opinion of the EFSA Panel on Plant Protection Products and their Residues (PPR) on the science behind the guidance for scenario selection and scenario parametrisation for predicting environmental concentrations of plant protection product...
(2012) Keywords: ALL an application applications approach approaches Area AS assessment calculation consultation conventional crops developing environmental exposure exposure assessment Exposure ...
Enhanced analysis of real-time PCR data by using a variable efficiency model: FPK-PCR.
a challenge. We present a new approach to single reaction efficiency calculation, called Full Process Kinetics- PCR (FPK- PCR). It combines a kinetically more realistic model with flexible adaptation to the full ...
Severe acute cardiomyopathy associated with venlafaxine overdose and possible role of CYP2D6 and CYP2C19 polymorphisms.
Left ventricular function recovered. The calculated elimination half-life was 30.8 and 72.2 hours for VEN and ODV, respectively. The patient genotype was CYP2D6 *1/*5, the *5 allele corresponding to ...