Résultats de la recherche - 10 results

Update on the Risk assessment of hexabromocyclododecane (HBCDD) in food

Publication Type: Scientific poster, presentation or proceeding Authors: Christiane Vleminckx Source: 14th Iternational Akademie Fresenius Conference “Conatminants and Residues in Food” (2021) Health Topics:  Food consumption and food safety Consommation ...

Update of the risk assessment of hexabromocyclododecanes (HBCDDs) in food

hexabromocyclododecanes human exposure occurrence Risk Assessment Toxicology Abstract: The European Commission asked EFSA to update its 2011 risk assessment on hexabromocyclododecanes (HBCDD s) in food. HBCDD s, ...

Enantiomeric fraction of hexabromocyclododecanes in foodstuff from the Belgian market

(2020) Keywords: Chiral compound Enantiomer Environmental contaminant food HBCDD Abstract: Diet is considered a major route of human exposure to hexabromocyclododecane, a chiral environmental contaminant. ...

Development and validation of a quantitative UHPLC-MS/MS method for selected brominated flame retardants in food.

tetrabromobisphenol A (TBBPA), hexabromocyclododecanes (HBCD s), tetrabromobisphenol S (TBBPS) and bromophenols (BP s), in various food matrices. The sample preparation consisted of extraction of TBBPS with acidified ...

Zesde WHO-gecoördineerd onderzoek naar persistente organische polluenten (POP's) in moedermelk: Belgische resultaten 2014

chlordane-trans, nonachlore-trans, HCH-a, o,p- DDE, o,p- DDT en BDE 183 in geen enkele individuele melkstaal gedetecteerd. POP szoals hexachloorbutadieen, heptachloor, chloordecone, dieldrin, hexabromocyclododecanes ...

Brominated flame retardants in Belgian foodstuffs- recent evaluation by a novel UPLC-MS/MS method

assessments. The main objective of this work was to evaluate the presence and to measure the levels of BFR s, namely brominated phenols (BP s), hexabromocyclododecanes (HBCD s), tetrabromobisphenol A (TBBPA) and ...

Dietary intake of hexabromocyclododecane diastereoisomers (α-, β-, and γ-HBCD) in the Belgian adult population.

Publication Type: Peer reviewed scientific article Authors: Séverine Goscinny; Stefanie Vandevijvere; Maleki, Mehdi; Ilse Van Overmeire; Windal, Isabelle; Hanot, Vincent; Marie-Noelle Blaude; Christiane Vleminckx; Joris Van Loco Source: Chemosphere, Volum ...

Brominated flame retardants in Belgian home-produced eggs: levels and contamination sources

Issue 15, Number 4396, p.4387- 4396 (2009) Keywords: Belgium Eggs Hexabromocyclododecane Home-produced human exposure POLYBROMINATED DIPHENYL ETHERS Abstract: The extent and the sources of contamination ...

Fourth WHO-coordinated survey of human milk for persistent organic pollutants (POPs): Belgian results

hexabromocyclododecane [HBCD]). For the Belgian participation human milk samples were collected during the summer of 2006 from 197 women between 18 and 30 years old distributed over all Belgian provinces. The individual ...

Update of the risk assessment of hexabromocyclododecanes (HBCDDs) in food

the risk assessment of hexabromocyclododecanes (HBCDD s) in food, EFSA Journal 2020, submitted for Public consultation 14 October 2020. Health Topics:  Health and disease monitoring Surveillance de la ...

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