Résultats de la recherche - 55 results

BSFM 2024- Reported food-borne outbreaks in Belgium, 2023

are linked, or are probably linked, to the same food source (Directive 2003/99/ EC, Article 2(d)). Food-borne outbreaks are registered in the national system and reported to EFSA. Results and Discussion ...

Which government policies to create sustainable food systems have the potential to simultaneously address undernutrition, obesity and environmental sustainability?

Policy Obesity Sustainable Development Abstract: INTRODUCTION: A transformation of food systems is urgently needed, given their contribution to three ongoing and interlinked global health pandemics: (1) ...

Food environment in Burkina Faso: priority actions recommended to the government using Food-EPI tool.

Moubarac, Jean-Claude; Vandevijvere, Stefanie; Dicko, Mamoudou Hama Source: Front Nutr, Volume 11 (2024) Keywords: Food environments Food policy Sustainable food systems Abstract: INTRODUCTION: The food ...

Transitions to food democracy through multilevel governance

Sustainable Food Systems, Volume 6 (2022) Health Topics:  Food consumption and food safety Consommation et sécurité alimentaires Voedselconsumptie en –veiligheid Service:  Information sanitaire ...

Integration of various dimensions in food-based dietary guidelines via mathematical approaches: report of a DGE/FENS Workshop in Bonn, Germany, 23–24 September 2019Abstract

Heckelei; Sara Monteiro Pires; Perrine Nadaud; Corné van Dooren; Florent Vieux Source: British Journal of Nutrition, Volume 126, Issue 6 (2021) Keywords: Diet modelling Dietary guidelines Food systems ...

Global case study of digital marketing on social media by a top soda brand.

Promot Int, Volume 37, Issue 5 (2022) Keywords: Beverages Carbonated Beverages Diet, Healthy Humans marketing Social Media Young adult Abstract: The Big Soda segment is central in modern food systems, and ...

An assessment of implementation gaps and priority recommendations on food environment policies: the Healthy Food Environment Policy Index (Food-EPI) in Japan

a higher level, specifically for monitoring and intelligence systems. Based on the rating, reducing health inequalities by supporting people, both economically and physically, was the highest priority for ...

Advertising of unhealthy foods and beverages around primary and junior high schools in Ghana's most urbanized and populous region.

classification systems. RESULTS: A total of 5,887 advertisements were identified around the schools surveyed, 42% of which were for foods and beverages. Advertisements were most prevalent at food outlets (78% of all food ...

Pesticide Use in Market Gardening and Perceived Risk of Consumers Exposed to Pesticide Residues

are systemic and can be absorbed by the plant and moved around in its tissues. Furthermore, the majority of the surveyed farmers had never undergone agricultural training, which is a real handicap with ...

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