Last updated on 23-8-2019 by Anonymous (niet gecontroleerd) Public AccessPublished Peer reviewed scientific article DOI : AuteursJ. Jacobs; Claessens,S.; K Huygen; K. Abbaspour Tehrani; N. De Kimpe Trefwoorden2-aza-anthraquinones a Activiteit AFRICAN ALL Antibiotic AS benzo[f]isoindole-4,9-dione benz[g]isoquinoline-5,10-dione Class Literature Medicine Mycobacterium Mycobacterium tuberculosis p pentalongin plant precursor PRODUCTS pyranonaphthoquinones. report reports Synthetic TESTING Tuberculosis Samenvatting: Pentalongin, the active principle isolated from the roots of the Central East African medicinal plant Lees meer × Samenvatting Pentalongin, the active principle isolated from the roots of the Central East African medicinal plant Associated health topics: