Occurrence and Synthesis Pathways of (Suspected) Genotoxic α,β-Unsaturated Carbonyls in Chocolate and Other Commercial Sweet Snacks.

Last updated on 6-1-2025 by Els Van Hoeck

Peer reviewed scientific article




α,β-Unsaturated carbonyls are highly reactive and described as structural alerts for genotoxicity. Ten of them (either commercially available or synthesized here by combinatorial chemistry) were first investigated throughout the chocolate-making process by solvent-assisted flavor evaporation (SAFE) coupled to GC-MS/SIM. Monitored α,β-unsaturated aldehydes were formed during chocolate production, primarily through aldol condensation of Strecker aldehydes triggered by bean roasting. Notably, levels of 2-phenylbut-2-enal (up to 399 μg·kg) and 5-methyl-2-phenylhex-2-enal (up to 216 μg·kg) incre…

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