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Filters: Auteur is Bart Peeters
Be.well.pro: measuring work-related mental well-being of professionals from the healthcare and welfare sector in Belgium,
, Conference on the future of the EU Health Union, 26/03/2024, Brussels, Belgium, (2024)
Be.well.pro survey to measure work-related mental well-being of professionals from the healthcare and welfare sector,
, 29th Wonca Europe Conference, 9/10/2024, Dublin, Ireland, (2024)
Validation of a rapid SARS-CoV-2 antibody test in general practice,
, BMJ Open, Feb-05-2023, Volume 13, Issue 5, (2023)
The evolving personal, professional and physical impact on healthcare professionals during three COVID-19 waves: A cross-sectional study,
, International Journal for Quality in Health Care, Apr-09-2023, Volume 34, Issue 3, (2022)
Humoral and cellular immune responses against SARS-CoV-2 after third dose BNT162b2 following double-dose vaccination with BNT162b2 versus ChAdOx1 in cancer patients.,
, Clin Cancer Res, 2022 Nov 07, (2022)
Humoral and Cellular Immune Responses against SARS-CoV-2 after Third Dose BNT162b2 following Double-Dose Vaccination with BNT162b2 versus ChAdOx1 in Patients with CancerPurpose:Experimental Design:Results:Conclusions:,
, Clinical Cancer Research, Mar-11-2022, Volume 29, Issue 3, (2022)
Predictive model for BNT162b2 vaccine response in cancer patients based on blood cytokines and growth factors.,
, Front Immunol, 2022, Volume 13, (2022)
Predictive model for BNT162b2 vaccine response in cancer patients based on blood cytokines and growth factorsBackgroundMethodsResultsConclusionDataSheet_1.docx,
, Frontiers in Immunology, Oct-12-2023, Volume 13, (2022)
POWER TO CARE. De enquête naar het welzijn van zorgverleners, hulpverleners en mantelzorgers. Belangrijkste resultaten van de tweede nationale enquête, maart 2021,
, 29/04/2021, Brussels, Belgium, p.48, (2021)
POWER TO CARE De enquête naar het welzijn van zorgverleners, hulpverleners en mantelzorgers. Belangrijkste resultaten van de derde nationale enquête juni 2021,
, Brussels, Belgium, (2021)
POWER TO CARE. L’enquête sur le bien-être des personnes et professionnels d’aide et de soin. Principaux résultats de la deuxième enquête nationale, mars 2021.,
, 29/04/2021, Brussels, Belgium, p.48, (2021)
POWER TO CARE L’enquête sur le bien-être des personnes et professionnels d’aide et de soin Principaux résultats de la troisième enquête nationale, juin 2021,
, Brussels, Belgium, (2021)
Reduced humoral immune response after BNT162b2 coronavirus disease 2019 messenger RNA vaccination in cancer patients under antineoplastic treatment.,
, ESMO Open, 2021 Oct, Volume 6, Issue 5, (2021)