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Filters: Auteur is Hein Imberechts
Comparison of classical serotyping and PremiTest assay for routine identification of common Salmonella enterica serovars., Wattiau, P, Van Hessche Mieke, Schlicker Christine, Veken Heidi Vander, and Imberechts Hein , J Clin Microbiol, 2008 Dec, Volume 46, Issue 12, p.4037-40, (2008)
Drastic decrease of Salmonella Enteritidis isolated from humans in Belgium in 2005, shift in phage types and influence on foodborne outbreaks., Collard, J-M, Bertrand Sophie, Dierick Katelijne, Godard C, Wildemauwe C, Vermeersch K, Duculot J, Van Immerseel F, Pasmans F, Imberechts Hein, et al. , Epidemiol Infect, 2008 Jun, Volume 136, Issue 6, p.771-81, (2008)
Evaluation of the Premi Test Salmonella, a commercial low-density DNA microarray system intended for routine identification and typing of Salmonella enterica., Wattiau, P, Weijers Thijs, Andreoli Peter, Schliker Christine, Veken Heidi Vander, Maas Henny M. E., Verbruggen Anjo J., Heck Max E. O. C., Wannet Wim J., Imberechts Hein, et al. , Int J Food Microbiol, 2008 Apr 30, Volume 123, Issue 3, p.293-8, (2008)
Occurrence and genetic diversity of Bacillus anthracis strains isolated in an active wool-cleaning factory., Wattiau, P, Klee Silke R., Fretin David, Van Hessche Mieke, Ménart Marie, Franz Tatjana, Chasseur Camille, Butaye Patrick, and Imberechts Hein , Appl Environ Microbiol, 2008 Jul, Volume 74, Issue 13, p.4005-11, (2008)

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