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Applying foresight research for drug policy: Lessons from the DRUG-PREP project,
, Lisbon Addictions, October 2024, Lisbon, Portugal, (2024)
The drug situation in Belgium in 2022. Annual report from the Belgian REITOX network,
, 12/01/2024, Brussels, p.227, (2024)
Evaluation of an electrochemical sensor and comparison with spectroscopic approaches as used today in practice for harm reduction in a festival setting—A case study: Analysis of 3,4‐methylenedioxymethamphetamine samplesAbstract,
, Drug Testing and Analysis, Jan-09-2024, Volume 16, Issue 9, (2024)
Full Characterisation of Heroin Samples Using Infrared Spectroscopy and Multivariate Calibration,
, Molecules, Jan-03-2024, Volume 29, Issue 5, (2024)
Future of opioid markets in Europe: Foresight approaches,
, Lisbon Addictions, October 2024, (2024)
A protocol for identifying the needs related to drug use, health and social (re)integration of people living in prison within five European countries,
, Arch Public Health, 2024 Oct 08, Volume 82, Issue 1, (2024)
Evaluation of an electrochemical sensor and comparison with spectroscopic approaches as used today in practice for harm reduction in a festival setting-A case study: Analysis of 3,4-methylenedioxymethamphetamine samples,
, Drug Test Anal, 2023 Dec 12, (2023)
Gezondheid, welzijn en drugsgebruik onder personen in de gevangenis. Belgische resultaten van het PRS-20-project 2021-2023,
, 24/12/2023, Brussel, p.29, (2023)
Health, well-being and drug use among persons in prison. Belgian results of the PRS-20 project 2021-2023,
, 24/12/2023, Brussels, p.29, (2023)
A mixed methods study about health problems and drug use in Belgian prisons during 2021-2022,
, October 2023, Volume Volume 33, Issue Supplement_2, Dublin, (2023)
Patient Reported Outcome and Experience Measures (PROMs and PREMs) in substance use disorder treatment services: A scoping review,
, Drug and Alcohol Dependence, Jan-12-2023, Volume 253, (2023)
Santé, bien-être etconsommation de drogues chez les personnes incarcérées. Résultats belges du projet PRS-20 2021-2023,
, 24/12/2023, Bruxelles, p.29, (2023)
Applying and implementing future-oriented methods on a national level; towards enhanced policy and service preparedness to threats in the drugs domain,
, Annual ISSDP Conference - Drug market and Drug innovation in a changing world , 2022-11-22, Volume 15, EMCDDA building, Lisbon, Portugal, (2022)
Chemometrics and infrared spectroscopy – A winning team for the analysis of illicit drug productsAbstract,
, Reviews in Analytical Chemistry, Jan-01-2022, Volume 41, Issue 1, (2022)
Complexity and differentiation of the MDMA retail market: insights from the European Web Survey on Drugs,
, Complexity and differentiation of the MDMA retail market: insights from the European Web Survey on Drugs, 2022-06-28, Luxembourg: Publications Office of the European Union, p.9, (2022)
Reitox national reporting to EMCDDA on drugs and drug addiction, 2021,
, Brussels, (2022)
Signals from the future: Exploring implications for drug policies,
, Lisbon Addiction. European Conference on Addictive Behaviours and Dependencies, 2022-11-23, Volume 4, Lisbon, Portugal, (2022)
Synthetic Cannabinoids and Cannabis: How the Patterns of Use Differ: Results from the European Web Survey on Drugs,
, International Journal of Mental Health and Addiction, Mar-10-2022, (2022)
Which drugs of choice are on the rise or in decline? A trend analysis of Belgium’s treatment settings (2015-2019),
, Drugs, Habits and Social Policy, 26/08/2022, (2022)
COVID-19 and people who use drugs: Impact of the pandemic on general anxiety and depressive disorders among adults in Belgium.,
, J Affect Disord, 01/12/2021, Volume 295, (2021)
An infrared spectroscopic approach to characterise white powders, easily applicable in the context of drug checking, drug prevention and on-site analysis,
, Drug Testing and Analysis, 2021, Issue 13, Number 693, (2021)
La santé mentale des personnes consommant des drogues pendant la pandémie de COVID-19 en Belgique,
, Brussels, (2021)
Mentale gezondheid van personen die drugs gebruiken tijdens de COVID-19 pandemie in België,
, Brussel, (2021)
, (2021)
Reitox national reporting to EMCDDA on drugs and drug addiction, 2020,
, 10/2020, p.+100, (2021)