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Filters: Auteur is Philippe Herman
Methodology of the biological risk classification of animal pathogens in Belgium,
, 0/0/2010, Volume 2008-2009, Number 140, Brussels, p.135 - 140, (2010)
Methodology of the biological risk classification of animal pathogens in Belgium.,
, Rev Sci Tech, 2010 Dec, Volume 29, Issue 3, p.513-22, (2010)
Methodology of the biological risk classification of animal pathogens in Belgium,
, 0/0/2010, Volume WIV-ISP Scientific Report 2008-2009, Number 140, Brussels, p.5, (2010)
New techniques of genetic modification and the GMO definition,
, 0/0/2010, Volume WIV-ISP Scientific Report 2008-2009, Number 146, Brussels, p.144 - 146, (2010)
Sampling feasibility study of pathogenic organisms genetically modified or not in contained use activities,
, 0/0/2010, Volume D/2010/2505/19, Number 59, Brussels, p.59, (2010)
On state-of-the-art high biocontainment facilities in Belgium2772,
, 0/0/2010, Volume WIV-ISP Scientific Report 2008-2009, Number 150, Brussels, p.147 - 150, (2010)
Biological risk assessment sheets : Practical examples of risk assessment and biosafety recommendations for the contained use of genetically modified (micro-)organisms,
, 0/0/2009, Volume D/2009/2505/48 , Number 22, Brussels, p.22, (2009)
Genetic modification through oligonucleotide-mediated mutagenesis. A GMO regulatory challenge?,
, Environ Biosafety Res, 2009 Apr-Jun, Volume 8, Issue 2, p.57-64, (2009)
Inrichtingen met een hoog inperkingsniveau in België. Rapport: Periode 1995-2008,
, 0/0/2009, Number 31, Brussels, p.31, (2009)
Les installations de haut niveau de confinement en Belgique. Rapport: Période 1995 - 2008,
, 0/0/2009, Number 31, Brussels, p.31, (2009)
Should novel organisms developed using oligonucleotide-mediated mutagenesis be excluded from the EU Regulation,
, ISB news report, 0/0/2009, Volume November 2009, Number 12, Brussels, p.2 - 12, (2009)
State-of-the-art lentiviral vectors for research use: risk assessment and biosafety recommendations.,
, Curr Gene Ther, 2009 Dec, Volume 9, Issue 6, p.459-74, (2009)
Emploi d'appareils de protection respiratoire durant l'utilisation confinée d'organismes génétiquement modifiés et/ou pathogènes,
, 0/0/2008, Volume D/2008/2505/01, Number 27, Brussels, p.27, (2008)
Gebruik van ademhalingsbeschermingsmiddelen bij het ingeperkt gebruik van genetisch gemodificeerde organismen en/of pathogenen,
, 0/0/2007, Volume 2007/2505/64, Number 28, Brussels, p.28, (2007)
Biosafety recommendations for the contained use of Mycobacterium tuberculosis complex isolates in industrialized countries,
, 0/0/2006, Volume D/2006/2505/22, Number 17, Brussels, p.17, (2006)
Bioveiligheidsaanbevelingen aangaande behandelings- en inactiveringsmethoden voor biologisch besmet afval,
, 0/0/2006, Volume D/2006/2505/28, Number 33, Brussels, p.33, (2006)
Enceintes de sécurité microbiologique,
, 0/0/2006, Volume D/2006/2505/20, Number 15, Brussels, p.15, (2006)
Microbiologische veiligheidswerkkasten,
, 0/0/2006, Volume D/2006/2505/20, Number 15, Brussels, p.15, (2006)
Negatieve luchtdruk bij L3 laboratoria,
, 0/0/2006, Volume D/2006/2505/15, Number 6, Brussels, p.6, (2006)
Pression de l'air négative dans les laboratoires L3,
, 0/0/2006, Volume D/2006/2505/15, Number 6, Brussels, p.6, (2006)
Recommandations de biosécurité relatives au traitement et aux méthodes d'inactivation des déchets biologiques contaminés,
, 0/0/2006, Volume D/2006/2505/33, Number 33, Brussels, p.33, (2006)
Biosafety risk assessment of the Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS) coronavirus and containment measures for the diagnostic and research laboratories,
, Appl.Biosaf., 0/0/2004, Volume 9, Issue 3, Number 142, p.128 - 142, (2004)