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Filters: Auteur is Raf Aerts
Associations of heat with diseases and specific symptoms in Flanders, Belgium: An 8-year retrospective study of general practitioner registration data., Endale, Alemayehu Ali, Cox Bianca, Van de Vel Karen, Verachtert Els, Vaes Bert, Beerten Simon Gabriel, Duarte Elisa, Scheerens Charlotte, Aerts Raf, and Van Pottelbergh Gijs , Environment International, 2024 Nov, Volume 193, (2024)
Impact of environmental nitrogen enrichment on birch pollen allergy, Verscheure, P, Daelemans R, Keysers S, Coorevits L, Honnay O, Van Gerven L, Breynaert C, Bullens D, Devleesschauwer Brecht, Speybroeck N, et al. , World Aerobiology Conference 2024, July-2024, Vilnius, Lithuania, (2024)
Impact of short-term exposure to air pollution on natural mortality and vulnerable populations: a multi-city case-crossover analysis in Belgium, Demoury, Claire, Aerts Raf, Berete Finaba, Lefebvre Wouter, Pauwels Arno, Vanpoucke Charlotte, Van der Heyden Johan, and De Clercq Eva M. , Environmental Health, Jan-12-2024, Volume 23, Issue 1, (2024)
Spatial configuration of green space matters: Associations between urban land cover and air temperature, Beele, Eva, Aerts Raf, Reyniers Maarten, and Somers Ben , Landscape and Urban Planning, Jan-09-2024, Volume 249, (2024)
Spatial configuration of green space matters: Associations between urban land cover and air temperature, Beele, Eva, Aerts Raf, Reyniers Maarten, and Somers Ben , Landscape and Urban Planning, Jan-09-2024, Volume 249, (2024)
Urban green space, human heat perception and sleep quality: A repeated cross-sectional study., Beele, Eva, Aerts Raf, Reyniers Maarten, and Somers Ben , Environ Res, 2024 Dec 15, Volume 263, Issue Pt 2, (2024)
Daily allergy burden and heart rate characteristics in adults with allergic rhinitis based on a wearable telemonitoring system, Buekers, Joren, Stas Michiel, Aerts Raf, Bruffaerts Nicolas, Dujardin Sebastien, Van Nieuwenhuyse An, Van Orshoven Jos, Chevance Guillaume, Somers Ben, Aerts Jean‐Marie, et al. , Clinical and Translational Allergy, Jan-04-2023, Volume 13, Issue 4, (2023)
Environmental degradation and the increasing burden of allergic disease: The need to determine the impact of nitrogen pollution, Ceulemans, Tobias, Verscheure Paulien, Shadouh Caroline, Van Acker Kasper, Devleesschauwer Brecht, Linard Catherine, Dendoncker Nicolas, Speybroeck Niko, Bruffaerts Nicolas, Honnay Olivier, et al. , Frontiers in Allergy, Feb-02-2023, Volume 4, (2023)
Impact of environmental nitrogen pollution on pollen allergy: A scoping review, Verscheure, Paulien, Honnay Olivier, Speybroeck Niko, Daelemans Robin, Bruffaerts Nicolas, Devleesschauwer Brecht, Ceulemans Tobias, Van Gerven Laura, Aerts Raf, and Schrijvers Rik , Sci Total Environ, 2023 Jun 14, Volume 893, (2023)
Non-response bias in the analysis of the association between mental health and the urban environment: a cross-sectional study in Brussels, Belgium, Guyot, Madeleine, Pelgrims Ingrid, Aerts Raf, Keune Hans, Remmen Roy, De Clercq Eva M., Thomas Isabelle, and Vanwambeke, Sophie O. , Archives of Public Health, Jan-12-2023, Volume 81, Issue 1, (2023)
Association between temperature and natural mortality in Belgium: Effect modification by individual characteristics and residential environment, Demoury, Claire, De Troeyer Katrien, Berete Finaba, Aerts Raf, Van Schaeybroeck Bert, Van der Heyden Johan, and De Clercq Eva M. , Science of The Total Environment, Jan-12-2022, Volume 851, (2022)
Daily heart rate characteristics, allergy symptom severity and mood in adults with allergic rhinitis, Buekers, J, Stas M, Aerts Raf, Bruffaerts Nicolas, Dujardin S, Van Nieuwenhuyse An, Van Orshoven J, Chevance G, Somers B, Aerts, et al. , ERS International Congress 2022, December 2022, Volume 60: Suppl. 66, 2487, Issue European Respiratory Journal, (2022)
Higher buccal mtDNA content is associated with residential surrounding green in a panel study of primary school children, Hautekiet, Pauline, Saenen Nelly D., Aerts Raf, Martens Dries S., Roels Harry A., Bijnens Esmée M., and Nawrot Tim S. , Environmental Research, Jan-10-2022, Volume 213, (2022)
Impact of Short-Term Exposure to Extreme Temperatures on Mortality: A Multi-City Study in Belgium, Demoury, Claire, Aerts Raf, Vandeninden Bram, Van Schaeybroeck Bert, and De Clercq Eva M. , International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, Jan-04-2022, Volume 19, Issue 7, (2022)
Mapping abundance distributions of allergenic tree species in urbanized landscapes: A nation-wide study for Belgium using forest inventory and citizen science data, Dujardin, Sébastien, Stas Michiel, Van Eupen Camille, Aerts Raf, Hendrickx Marijke, Delcloo Andy W., Duchêne François, Hamdi Rafiq, Nawrot Tim S., Van Nieuwenhuyse An, et al. , Landscape and Urban Planning, Jan-02-2022, Volume 218, (2022)
Quality control and correction method for air temperature data from a citizen science weather station network in Leuven, Belgium, Beele, Eva, Reyniers Maarten, Aerts Raf, and Somers Ben , Earth System Science Data, 21 Oct 2022, Volume 14, Issue 10, (2022)
Residential Exposure to Urban Trees and Medication Sales for Mood Disorders and Cardiovascular Disease in Brussels, Belgium: An Ecological Study, Chi, Dengkai, Aerts Raf, Van Nieuwenhuyse An, Bauwelinck Mariska, Demoury Claire, Plusquin Michelle, Nawrot Tim S., Casas Lidia, and Somers Ben , Environmental Health Perspectives, Jan-05-2022, Volume 130, Issue 5, (2022)
Residential green space and mental health-related prescription medication sales: An ecological study in Belgium., Aerts, Raf, Vanlessen Naomi, Dujardin Sébastien, Nemery Benoit, Van Nieuwenhuyse An, Bauwelinck Mariska, Casas Lidia, Demoury Claire, Plusquin Michelle, and Nawrot Tim S. , Environmental Research, 2022 Mar 04, Volume 211, (2022)
Residential green space, gardening, and subjective well-being: A cross-sectional study of garden owners in northern Belgium, Krols, Jeroen, Aerts Raf, Vanlessen Naomi, Dewaelheyns Valerie, Dujardin Sébastien, and Somers Ben , Landscape and Urban Planning, Mar-27-2022, Volume 223, (2022)
Residential green space in association with the methylation status in a CpG site within the promoter region of the placental serotonin receptor HTR2A, Dockx, Yinthe, Bijnens Esmée, Saenen Nelly, Aerts Raf, Aerts Jean-Marie, Casas Lidia, Delcloo Andy, Dendoncker Nicolas, Linard Catherine, Plusquin Michelle, et al. , Epigenetics, Jul-06-2022, (2022)

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