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Filters: Auteur is Sébastien Fierens
Acrylonitrile exposure assessment in the emergency responders of a major train accident in Belgium: a human biomonitoring study., Van Nieuwenhuyse, An, Fierens Sébastien, De Smedt T, De Cremer Koen, Vleminckx Christiane, Mertens Birgit, Van Overmeire Ilse, Bader M, De Paepe P, Göen T, et al. , Toxicol Lett, 2014 Dec 15, Volume 231, Issue 3, p.352-9, (2014)
Acrylonitrile exposure in the general population following a major train accident in Belgium: a human biomonitoring study., De Smedt, T, De Cremer Koen, Vleminckx Christiane, Fierens Sébastien, Mertens Birgit, Van Overmeire Ilse, Bader M, De Paepe P, Göen T, Nemery B, et al. , Toxicol Lett, 2014 Dec 15, Volume 231, Issue 3, p.344-51, (2014)
Biomonitoring survey of residents and emergency responders exposed to acrylonitrile after the train disaster in Wetteren (Belgium), Van Loco, Joris, De Smedt T., De Cremer Koen, Fierens Sébastien, Vleminckx Christiane, Van Overmeire Ilse, Gijs G., Van Nieuwenhuyse An, and Van Oyen Herman , 38th International Symposium on Environmental Analytical Chemistry, 20/6/2014, Issue IAEAC, NA, (2014)
Human biomonitoring Wetteren, De Cremer, Koen, Vleminckx Christiane, and Fierens Sébastien , Tuesday Seminar, 6/5/2014, Issue WIV-ISP, NA, (2014)
Thyroid cancer incidence in the vicinity of nuclear sites in Belgium 2000-2008, Bollaerts, K., Fierens Sébastien, Van Bladel L., Simons K, Sonk M., Poffijn A., Geraets D., Gosselin P, Van Oyen Herman, Francart J., et al. , Thyroid, 0/5/2014, Volume 24, Issue 5, Number 917, p.906 - 917, (2014)
Biomonitoring survey of residents and rescue workers for acrylonitrile after the train disaster in Wetteren (Belgium), Van Loco, Joris, De Cremer Koen, De Smedt T., Fierens Sébastien, Van Overmeire Ilse, Gijs G., Van Nieuwenhuyse An, and Van Oyen Herman , /, 4/12/2013, Issue Vlaamse Wetenschappelijke Vereniging voor Arbeidsgeneeskunde (VWVA), NA, (2013)
Biomonitoring survey of residents and rescue workers for acrylonitrile after the train disaster in Wetteren (Belgium), Van Loco, Joris, De Smedt T., De Cremer Koen, Fierens Sébastien, Vleminckx Christiane, Van Overmeire Ilse, Gijs G., Van Nieuwenhuyse An, and Van Oyen Herman , BEMS meeting, 22/11/2013, Issue Belgian environmental mutagen society, NA, (2013)
A biomonitoring survey of the residents and the rescue workers for acrylonitrile after the train disaster in Wetteren (Belgium), Van Loco, Joris, De Smedt T., De Cremer Koen, Fierens Sébastien, Van Overmeire Ilse, Van Nieuwenhuyse An, and Van Oyen Herman , 6th EUROPEAN PUBLIC HEALTH CONFERENCE Health in Europe: are we there yet? Learning from the past, building the future, 0/0/2013, Issue European Public Health Association (EUPHA), NA, (2013)
Childhood Leukaemia incidence around the Belgian nuclear sites: Surrogate exposure modelling., Simons, K, Bollaerts K., Sonk M., Fierens Sébastien, Poffijn A., Van Bladel L., Geraets D., Gosselin P, Van Oyen Herman, Francart J., et al. , 28th international workshop on statistical modelling, 8/7/2013, Volume 2, Issue /, Number 778, p.773 - 778, (2013)
Pollution de l'air intérieur : 1) revue de la littérature 2) plans d'action et de communication dans les écoles, Voisin, C., Chasseur Camille, Gosselin P, Fierens Sébastien, and Van Nieuwenhuyse An , 0/0/2013, Bruxelles, p.100, (2013)
Pollution sonore et santé : impact sanitaire de l'exposition au bruit environnemental, Voisin, C., Berrewaerts G., and Fierens Sébastien , 20/12/2013, Bruxelles, p.49, (2013)
Samenvatting resultaten studie "wonen in de omgeving van nucleaire sites in België: monitoring van potentiële gezondheidseffecten", Simons, K, Bollaerts K., Fierens Sébastien, Van Bladel L., Sonk M., Poffijn A., Geraets D., Gosselin P, Van Oyen Herman, Francart J., et al. , Annalen van de Belgische Vereniging voor Stralingsbescherming (BVSABR), 0/0/2013, Volume 38, Issue 1, Number 33, p.27 - 33, (2013)
The setup of a biomonitoring survey of the residents and the rescue workers for acrylonitrile after the train disaster in Wetteren (Belgium), Van Loco, Joris, De Smedt T., De Cremer Koen, Fierens Sébastien, Vleminckx Christiane, Van Overmeire Ilse, Van Nieuwenhuyse An, and Van Oyen Herman , European Public Health Conference, 15/11/2013, Issue EUPHA, (2013)
Evaluation de l'incidence de leucémie chez les enfants habitants à proximité de sites nucléaires en Belgique, Fierens, Sébastien, Bollaerts K., Simons K, Francart J., Poffijn A., Sonk M., Van Bladel L., Geraets D., Gosselin P, Van Oyen Herman, et al. , 3e congrès national de santé et environnement, 0/0/2012, Issue Société Française de Santé environnementale, NA, (2012)
Les rayonnements radiofréquences: revue de la littérature de l'impact sanitaire. Support scientifique en vue de la création d'un outil de communication vers la population de la Fédération Wallonie-Bruxelles, Voisin, C., Pirard W., Lowie M., Fierens Sébastien, and Van Nieuwenhuyse An , 0/0/2012, Brussels, p.14, (2012)
Monitoring of possible health effects in the vicinity of nuclear sites in Belgium: is there an increases incidence of childhood leukemia?, Bollaerts, K., Fierens Sébastien, Simmons K., Francart J., Poffijn A., Sonck M., Van Bladel L., Geraerts D., Gosselin P, Van Oyen Herman, et al. , 13th International Congress of the International Radiation Protection Association, 0/0/2012, Issue ?, Glasgow, Scotland, (2012)
Monitoring of possible health effects of living in the vicinity of nuclear sites in Belgium, Bollaerts, K., Fierens Sébastien, Simons K, Francart J., Poffijn A., Sonk M., Van Bladel L., Geraets D., Gosselin P, Van Oyen Herman, et al. , 0/0/2012, Brussels, p.150, (2012)
Monitoring of thyroid cancer incidence in the vicinity of nuclear sites in Belgium, Bollaerts, K., Fierens Sébastien, Simons K, Francart J., Poffijn A., Sonk M., Van Bladel L., Geraets D., Gosselin P, Van Oyen Herman, et al. , 1 4 th International Workshop Multidisciplinary European Low Dose Initiative (MELODI), 0/0/2012, Issue MELODI, NA, (2012)

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