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Filters: Auteur is Wesley Mattheus
Microbiological, clinical and molecular findings of non-typhoidal Salmonella bloodstream infections associated with malaria, Oriental Province, Democratic Republic of the Congo., Falay, Dadi, Kuijpers Laura Maria Fran, Phoba Marie-France, De Boeck Hilde, Lunguya Octavie, Vakaniaki Emmanuel, Bertrand Sophie, Mattheus Wesley, Ceyssens Pieter-Jan, Vanhoof Raymond, et al. , BMC Infect Dis, 2016 Jun 10, Volume 16, Issue 1, p.271, (2016)
Molecular Analysis of Rising Fluoroquinolone Resistance in Belgian Non-Invasive Streptococcus pneumoniae Isolates (1995-2014)., Ceyssens, Pieter-Jan, Van Bambeke Françoise, Mattheus Wesley, Bertrand Sophie, Fux Frédéric, Van Bossuyt Eddie, Damée Sabrina, Nyssen Henry-Jean, De Craeye Stéphane, Verhaegen Jan, et al. , PLoS One, 2016, Volume 11, Issue 5, p.e0154816, (2016)
Molecular subtyping of Salmonella Typhimurium with multiplex oligonucleotide ligation-PCR (MOL-PCR), Wuyts, V., Mattheus Wesley, Roosens Nancy, Marchal K., Bertrand Sophie, and De Keersmaecker Sigrid C. J. , Diagnostic Bacteriology Protocols, 0/0/2016, Number -, Totowa, New Jersey, p.-, (2016)
Rapport thématique. Maladies infectieuses liées à la consommation, 2014, Belgique. Tendances épidémiologiques., Braeye, Toon, Bertrand Sophie, Mattheus Wesley, Martiny Delphine, Piérard Denis, De Rauw Klara, Verhaegen Jan, Delmée Michel, Delbrassinne Laurence, Denayer Sarah, et al. , sep 2016, Bruxelles, Belgique, p.164, (2016)
Antimicrobial resistance testing in 2020: Will we still be looking at the phenotype? , Ceyssens, Pieter-Jan, Mattheus Wesley, Mathys Vanessa, Vanhoof R., Kalai Michael, and Bertrand Sophie , RIIP Meeting, 0/0/2015, Issue Institut Pasteur, (2015)
Blueprint of serotype distribution and antimicrobial resistance in human salmonellosis in Belgium (2009-2013), Ceyssens, Pieter-Jan, Mattheus Wesley, Vanhoof R., and Bertrand Sophie , International Conference on Antimicrobial Research, 17/5/2015, Volume 4, Issue ICAR, Number 2, Madrid, Spain, (2015)
Changes in Meningococcal Strains in the Era of a Serogroup C Vaccination Campaign: Trends and Evolution in Belgium during the Period 1997-2012., Mattheus, Wesley, Hanquet Germaine, Collard J-M, Vanhoof Raymond, and Bertrand Sophie , PLoS One, 2015, Volume 10, Issue 10, p.e0139615, (2015)
CNR Listeria. Rapport annuel 2014. Souches de Listeria, Bertrand, Sophie, Vanhoof R., and Mattheus Wesley , 0/9/2015, Number 26, Bruxelles, p.26, (2015)
CNR Neisseria meningitidis. Rapport annuel 2014. Souches de Neisseria meningitidis, Bertrand, Sophie, Vanhoof R., and Mattheus Wesley , 0/9/2015, Number 26, Bruxelles, p.26, (2015)
CNR Salmonella & Shigella. , Bertrand, Sophie, Vanhoof R., and Mattheus Wesley , 0/9/2015, Number 42, Bruxelles, p.42, (2015)
Development of xTAG®-based assays as a tailor-made solution in the genotyping of antimicrobial resistance in Enterobacteriaceae., Ceyssens, Pieter-Jan, Mattheus Wesley, and Bertrand Sophie , xMAP connect meeting, 0/0/2015, Issue xMAP connect, NA, (2015)
Evaluation of whole genome sequencing for routine subtyping of Salmonella Typhimurium for surveillance and outbreak investigation, Wuyts, V., Bertrand Sophie, Mattheus Wesley, Roosens Nancy, Marchal K., and De Keersmaecker Sigrid C. J. , Revolutionizing Next-Generation Sequencing: Tools and Technologies, 15/1/2015, Issue VIB, NA, (2015)
Evolution of beta-lactam resistance in non-invasive clinical isolates of Streptococcus pneumoniae collected in Belgium in a 20 year survey (1995 to 2014)., Vanhoof, R., Bertrand Sophie, Ceyssens Pieter-Jan, Damee S., Fux F., Mattheus Wesley, Nyssen H.J., Van Bossuyt E., Van Eldere J., Verhaegen Jan, et al. , 35 e Réunion Interdisciplinaire de chimiothérapie anti-infectieuse., 0/0/2015, Issue XX, Paris, France, (2015)
Extensive genetic variability linked to IS26 insertions in the fljB promoter region of atypical monophasic variants of Salmonella enterica serovar Typhimurium., Boland, Cécile, Bertrand Sophie, Mattheus Wesley, Dierick Katelijne, Jasson Vicky, Rosseel Toon, Van Borm Steven, Mahillon Jacques, and Wattiau P , Appl Environ Microbiol, 2015 May 01, Volume 81, Issue 9, Number 3175, p.3169-75, (2015)
Infectieziekten bij kinderen, die voorkomen kunnen worden door vaccinatie. Jaaroverzicht 2014, Sabbe, Martine, Grammens Tine, Braeye Toon, Bleyenheuft Corinne, da Costa Elise Mendes, Quoilin Sophie, Bertrand Sophie, Dediste Anne, Delforge Marie-Luce, Heymans C., et al. , dec 2015, Brussel, België, p.62, (2015)
Infectieziekten bij kinderen die voorkomen kunnen worden door vaccinatie. Jaarrapport 2013, Grammens, Tine, Braeye Toon, Bleyenheuft Corinne, Quoilin Sophie, Bertrand Sophie, Dediste A., Detemmerman L., De Schrijver K., Goubert P., Heymans C., et al. , 0/0/2015, Brussel, p.156, (2015)
Infections invasives à Neisseria meningitidis: Tendances récentes en Belgique, Bertrand, Sophie, Mattheus Wesley, Hanquet G., and Vanhoof R. , Séminaire de l'Institut Bordet, 0/0/2015, Issue Institut Bordet, (2015)
Invasive Salmonella Infections at Multiple Surveillance Sites in the Democratic Republic of the Congo, 2011-2014., Mbuyi Kalonji, Lisette, Post Annelies, Phoba Marie-France, Falay Dadi, Ngbonda Dauly, Muyembe Jean-Jacques, Bertrand Sophie, Ceyssens Pieter-Jan, Mattheus Wesley, Verhaegen Jan, et al. , Clin Infect Dis, 2015 Nov 01, Volume 61 Suppl 4, p.S346-53, (2015)
Macrolide and tetracycline resistance and the presence of mef A, erm B and tet M genes in non-invasive clinical isolates of Streptococcus pneumoniae collected in Belgium in a 20 year survey (1995 to 2014)., Vanhoof, R., Bertrand Sophie, Ceyssens Pieter-Jan, Damee S., Fux F., Mattheus Wesley, Nyssen H.J., Van Bossuyt E., Van Eldere J., Verhaegen Jan, et al. , 35 e Réunion Interdisciplinaire de chimiothérapie anti-infectieuse., 0/0/2015, Issue XX, Paris, France, (2015)
Maladies infectieuses pédiatriques à prévention vaccinale. Synthèse annuelle 2014, Sabbe, Martine, Grammens Tine, Braeye Toon, Bleyenheuft Corinne, E. da Costa Mendes, Quoilin Sophie, Bertrand Sophie, Dediste A., Delforge Marie-Luce, Heymans C., et al. , 12/2015, Bruxelles, Belgique, p.63, (2015)
Molecular surveillance of rising fluoroquinolone resistance in non-invasive S. pneumoniae isolates in Belgium collected in a survey (1995-2014), Ceyssens, Pieter-Jan, Van Bambeke F., Bertrand Sophie, Damee S., Fux F., Mattheus Wesley, Nyssen H.J., Van Bossuyt E., Verhaegen Jan, The Belgian Streptococcus pneumoniae study group, et al. , Plos One, 26/05/2016, Volume 11, Issue 5, (2015)
Multi locus variable-number tandem repeat (MLVA) typing tools improved the surveillance of Salmonella enteritidis: a 6 years retrospective study., Bertrand, Sophie, de Bex Guillaume De Lamine, Wildemauwe Christa, Lunguya Octavie, Phoba Marie France, Ley Benedikt, Jacobs Jan, Vanhoof Raymond, and Mattheus Wesley , PLoS One, 2015, Volume 10, Issue 2, p.e0117950, (2015)
A multiplex oligonucleotide ligation-PCR as a complementary tool for subtyping of Salmonella Typhimurium, Wuyts, V., Mattheus Wesley, Roosens Nancy, Marchal K., Bertrand Sophie, and De Keersmaecker Sigrid C. J. , Appl Microbiol Biotechnol, 0/10/2015, Volume 99, Issue 19, Number 8149, p.8137 - 8149, (2015)
NRL Listeria. Jaarverslag 2014. Listeria, Bertrand, Sophie, Vanhoof R., and Mattheus Wesley , 0/9/2015, Number 42, Bruxelles, p.42, (2015)
NRL Neisseria meningitidis. Jaarverslag 2014. Neisseria meningitidis, Bertrand, Sophie, Vanhoof R., and Mattheus Wesley , 0/9/2015, Number 22, Bruxelles, p.22, (2015)

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