Zoekresultaten - 70 results
Risk assessment of aflatoxins in food
100,000 to 508. The calculated MOE s are below 10,000 for AFB1 and also for AFM1 where some surveys, particularly for the younger age groups, have an MOE below 10,000. This raises a health concern. The ...
In Vitro and In Vivo Toxicity Studies on Cymbopogon giganteus Chiov. Leaves Essential Oil from Benin
weight, relative organ weight, hematological and/or biochemical parameters or histopathology as compared to the control group. EOCG induced mortality and inflammation in lungs 3 h after administration of ...
If I tweet will you cite later? Follow-up on the effect of social media exposure on article downloads and citationsAbstractObjectivesMethodsResultsConclusions
for a minimum of 24-month follow-up. We re-analysed the effect of social media exposure on article downloads and citations. Results There was no difference between intervention and control group in ...
Assessing the receptor-mediated activity of PAHs using AhR-, ERα- and PPARγ- CALUX bioassays
aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH) are a complex group of organic compounds, consisting of at least three fused aromatic rings, which are formed during combustion of organic matter. While some PAH s have been ...
Low-dose hydroxychloroquine therapy and mortality in hospitalised patients with COVID-19: a nationwide observational study of 8075 participants
supportive care (HCQ group) were compared with patients treated with supportive care only (no- HCQ group) using a competing risks proportional hazards regression with discharge alive as competing risk, ...
Automated digital reporting of clinical laboratory information to national public health surveillance systems, results of a EU/EEA survey, 2018BackgroundAimMethodsResultsConclusion
survey group members Source: Eurosurveillance, Volume 25, Issue 39 (2020) Keywords: digital extraction health laboratory diagnosis Surveillance Health Topics: Health and disease monitoring Surveillance de ...
Is the European Health Interview Survey online yet? Response and net sample composition of a web-based data collection.
the sole mode. In the context of future EHIS, the response rate and net sample composition of a web-only approach was tested. METHODS: A Belgian study with a target sample size of 1000 (age: 16-85) was ...
Decreasing and stabilising trends of antimicrobial consumption and resistance in and in segmented regression analysis, European Union/European Economic Area, 2001 to 2018.
Publication Type: Peer reviewed scientific article Authors: Germán Peñalva; Liselotte Diaz Högberg; Klaus Weist; Vera Vlahović-Palčevski; Ole Heuer; Dominique L Monnet; ESAC-Net Study Group ...
Immunisation of migrants in EU/EEA countries: Policies and practices.
Publication Type: Peer reviewed scientific article Authors: Cristina Giambi; Martina Del Manso; Giulia Marchetti; Kate Olsson; Karam Adel Ali; Silvia Declich; Venice survey working group Source: ...
Affiliation to the Treat-NMD Consortium Using an Agreed Minimum Dataset Allows Small Registries and Large Registries to Collaborate Together
Guillaume Bassez; Hannah Murray; Helen Walker; Craig Campbell; Myotonic Dystrophy TREAT-NMD Working Group Source: IDMC12, IDMC, Gothenburg, Sweden (2019) Keywords: Belgium neuromusculars diseases registry ...