Zoekresultaten - 251 results

Alternating patterns of seasonal influenza activity in the WHO European Region following the 2009 pandemic, 2010-2018.

Publication Type: Peer reviewed scientific article Authors: Mook, Piers; Meerhoff, Tamara; Olsen, Sonja J; Snacken, René; Adlhoch, Cornelia; Pereyaslov, Dmitriy; Broberg, Eeva K; Melidou, Angeliki; Brown, Caroline; Penttinen, Pasi; Collective of the WHO E ...

Towards a European health research and innovation cloud (HRIC)

research activities and present a roadmap that fosters the opportunities while answering the challenges of implementing a HRIC. For this, we put forward five specific recommendations and action points to ...

Measuring disability-adjusted life years (DALYs) due to low back pain in Malta

for 2015 provided the LBP prevalence data through representative self-reported history of chronic LBP within the past 12 months in combination with limitations to daily activities. Proportions of LBP ...

Combining short and long read sequencing to characterize antimicrobial resistance genes on plasmids applied to an unauthorized genetically modified Bacillus

reconstruction within the context of evaluating the risk of AMR  spread. Service:  Activités transversales en génomique appliquée Transversale activiteiten in toegepaste genomica Transversal activities in applied ...

Is aggregated synthetic amorphous silica toxicologically relevant?

Lode; Jan Mast; Lison, Dominique; Hoet, Peter H. Source: Particle and Fibre Toxicology, Volume 17, Issue 1 (2020) Keywords: Aggregates Biological activity In vitro toxicity nanomaterials synthetic ...

Assessing the receptor-mediated activity of PAHs using AhR-, ERα- and PPARγ- CALUX bioassays

agonistic and antagonistic endocrine activity of 9 environmentally relevant PAH s using three different CALUX bioassays: The AhR- CALUX, The ER α- CALUX and PPAR γ- CALUX. For the PPAR γ- CALUX anthracene, ...

Synthesis, characterization, biological activities and molecular docking of Epilobium parviflorum aqueous extract loaded chitosan nanoparticles

Publication Type: Peer reviewed scientific article Authors: Egil, Abdurrahim Can; Ozdemir, Burak; Gok, Bahar; Kecel-Gunduz, Serda; Budama-Kilinc, Yasemin Source: International Journal of Biological Macromolecules, Volume 161 (2020) Full text language:  En ...

Spatio-temporal monitoring and modelling of birch pollen levels in Belgium

data of the Flemish and Walloon regions were used to update the default MACCIII birch map. Spaceborne MODIS vegetation activity combined with an updated birch fraction map and updated start and end dates ...

Residential green space, air pollution, socioeconomic deprivation and cardiovascular medication sales in Belgium: A nationwide ecological study

may improve cardiovascular (CV) health, for example by promoting physical activity and by reducing air pollution, noise and heat.  Socioeconomic and environmental factors may modify the health effects ...

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