Zoekresultaten - 12 results
Two cases of congenital lipomatosis in calves.
skeleton. Four cases of congenital infiltrative lipomatosis have been described in bovine fetuses and young calves. In this report we describe an additional two cases in a neonatal Belgian Blue White calf and ...
Epidemiology of Bovine Hemorrhagic Bowel Syndrome in Belgium and The Netherlands
Publication Type: Peer reviewed scientific article Authors: Bert De Jonge; Pardon, Bart; Dewulf, Jeroen; Goossens, Evy; Jasper het Lam; Evert van Garderen; S. Roels; Jozefien Callens; Petitjean, Thierry; Chiers, Koen Source: Animals, Volume 14, Issue 1 (2 ...
Wildebeest-Derived Malignant Catarrhal Fever: A Bovine Peripheral T Cell Lymphoma Caused by Cross-Species Transmission of Alcelaphine Gammaherpesvirus 1
Dewals Source: Viruses, Volume 15, Issue 2 (2023) Keywords: Bovine MCF T cell lymphoma Wildebeest Health Topics: Animal health Santé animale Diergezondheid Manuscript versions: File: Version: Published ...
Failure to Remove Bluetongue Serotype 8 Virus (BTV-8) From Produced and Derived Bovine Embryos and Subsequent Transmission of BTV-8 to Recipient Cows After Embryo Transfer.
Volume 6 (2019) Keywords: Bluetongue virus bovine embryo BTV-8 IETS guidelines Transmission Abstract: The behavior of BTV-8 in cattle is different from most other serotypes not only with regards to ...
Genetically stable infectious Schmallenberg virus persists in foetal envelopes of pregnant ewes.
Diseases Abstract: Schmallenberg virus (SBV) is a recently emerged vector-borne virus, inducing congenital defects in bovines, ovines and caprines. Here we have shown that infectious SBV is capable of ...
Questing for tick-borne encephalitis virus in Belgium using veterinary sentinel surveys and risk factor mapping
Publication Type: Dissertation Authors: Sophie Roelandt Source: Ghent University, Ghent, Belgium, p.203 (2016) Accession Number: NA Keywords: bovines sentinel serology Tick-borne encephalitis virus ...
Complete Genome Sequence of Bovine Polyomavirus Type 1 from Aborted Cattle, Isolated in Belgium in 2014.
VandenBussche, Frank Source: Genome Announc, Volume 4, Issue 2 (2016) Abstract: The complete and fully annotated genome sequence of a bovine polyomavirus type 1 (BP yV/ BEL /½014) from aborted cattle was assembled ...
Proteomic characterization of bovine herpesvirus 4 extracellular virions.
Source: J Virol, Volume 86, Issue 21 (2012) Keywords: Animals Cattle Cell Line Glycoproteins Herpesvirus 4, Bovine Mass Spectrometry Proteome Viral Proteins Virion Abstract: Gammaherpesviruses are important ...
A dynamic model to calculate cadmium concentrations in bovine tissues from basic soil characteristics.
the flow of cadmium from soil, drinking water and feed towards bovine tissues. The data used for model development were tissue Cd concentrations of 57 bovines and Cd concentrations in soil, feed and ...
Capsid proteins from field strains of foot-and-mouth disease virus confer a pathogenic phenotype in cattle on an attenuated, cell-culture-adapted virus
were constructed using the backbone from the O1K B64 cDNA, and viable viruses (O1K /O- UKG and O1K /A-Tur, respectively) were successfully rescued in each case. These viruses grew well in primary bovine ...