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Zoekresultaten - 13 results

Two cases of congenital lipomatosis in calves.

(2024) Keywords: calves CONGENITAL lipomatosis Abstract: Fetal tumours in domestic animals are considered rare. Congenital lipomatous changes have been sporadically reported in fetal, neonatal and young ...

Genetically stable infectious Schmallenberg virus persists in foetal envelopes of pregnant ewes.

Diseases Abstract: Schmallenberg virus (SBV) is a recently emerged vector-borne virus, inducing congenital defects in bovines, ovines and caprines. Here we have shown that infectious SBV is capable of ...

Schmallenberg Virus in Belgium: Estimation of Impact in Cattle and Sheep Herds.

Orthobunyavirus Sheep Sheep Diseases Stillbirth Abstract: Schmallenberg virus (SBV) emerged during summer 2011. SBV induced an unspecific syndrome in cattle and congenital signs (abortions, stillbirths and ...

Reconstruction of the Schmallenberg virus epidemic in Belgium: Complementary use of disease surveillance approaches.

evidence indicates its recirculation in 2014-2015 in Belgium. Based on the experience gathered with the closely related Akabane virus, recurrent outbreaks of congenital events can be expected for a long ...

Persistence of the protective immunity and kinetics of the isotype specific antibody response against the viral nucleocapsid protein after experimental Schmallenberg virus infection of sheep.

Orthobunyavirus Real-Time Polymerase Chain Reaction RNA, Viral Sheep Sheep Diseases Abstract: Schmallenberg virus (SBV) is an Orthobunyavirus that induces abortion, stillbirths and congenital malformations in ...

Diagnosis of Schmallenberg virus infection in malformed lambs and calves and first indications for virus clearance in the fetus.

Keywords: Abortion, Veterinary Animals Antibodies, Neutralizing Antibodies, Viral Brain Stem Bunyaviridae Infections Cattle Cattle Diseases Congenital Abnormalities Female Neutralization Tests Orthobunyavirus ...

Impact of a novel inactivated PRRS virus vaccine on virus replication and virus-induced pathology in fetal implantation sites and fetuses upon challenge.

reproductive syndrome virus Pregnancy Pregnancy Complications, Infectious Sus scrofa Swine Vaccination Vaccines, Inactivated Viral Vaccines Viremia Abstract: Preventing congenital infection is important for the ...

DNase SISPA-next generation sequencing confirms Schmallenberg virus in Belgian field samples and identifies genetic variation in Europe.

of the virus was confirmed using real time RT- PCR in cases of congenital malformations of bovines and ovines in several European countries, including Belgium. In the absence of specific sequencing ...

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