Zoekresultaten - 4 results
Possible impact of culture-independent diagnostic techniques on surveillance of gastrointestinal pathogens in Belgium
Campylobacter. The participation rate was 80% (90/113). For STEC, up to 55% of the laboratories are currently using CIDT with an increase to 85% when CIDT will be added to the reimbursement conditions. For the ...
Relation between C. jejuni strains isolated from the clinical cases and collected from the monitoring carcass broiler plan in Belgium during 2011 to 2013
Publication Type: Scientific poster, presentation or proceeding Authors: N Botteldoorn Source: Campylobacter studienamiddag: Campylobacter in slaughterhouses and cutting plants: risks and ...
Follow-up of the European baseline study on Campylobacter: in-depth analysis in Belgian slaughterhouses
Publication Type: Scientific poster, presentation or proceeding Authors: N Botteldoorn; E. Olsson Source: Workshop EU-RL Campylobacter, NA, Issue SVA, Olsson E, NA (2015) Keywords: analysi analysis ...
Can a fast molecular method for the quantification of viable Campylobacter in chicken meat be an alterntive to teh ISO 10272-2 reference method?
Hold,G. Source: CHRO 2013, Issue Forbes,K., El Omar,E., Strachan,N., Hold,G. (2013) Keywords: a an Campylobacter Meat method Molecular Quantification Service: Foodborne pathogens Pathogènes alimentaires ...