Zoekresultaten - 5 results

Susceptibility of Mammals to Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza: A Qualitative Risk Assessment From the Belgian Perspective

Publication Type: Peer reviewed scientific article Authors: Van Leeuw, Virginie; Depoorter, Pieter; Mauroy, Axel; Beck, Olivier; Claeys, Herman; De Regge, Nick; De Waele, Valérie; De Winter, Paul ...

Speeding up drug susceptibility testing in Mycobacterium tuberculosis using RNA biomarkers

Publication Type: Peer reviewed scientific article Authors: Amandine Sury*; Margo Maex; Baulard, Alain; Bhattacharyya, Roby P.; Stéphanie Depickère; Hung, Deborah T.; Cos, Paul; Sayes, Fadel; ...

Forecasting daily total pollen concentrations on a global scale

Carmen; Guerra, César Guerrero; Leiva‐Guzmán, Manuel Andres; Ramón, Germán Darío; Barrionuevo, Laura Beatriz; Peter, Jonny; Berman, Dilys; Katelaris, Connie H.; Davies, Janet M.; Burton, Pamela; Beggs, Paul ...

The role of automatic pollen and fungal spore monitoring across major end-user domains

Monica; Gottardini, Elena; Gros-Daillon, Jules; Hajkova, Lenka; O’Connor, David; Östensson, Pia; Oteros, Jose; Pauling, Andreas; Pérez-Badia, Rosa; Rodinkova, Victoria; Rodríguez-Rajo, F. Javier; Ribeiro, ...

A preliminary estimate of the environmental burden of disease associated with exposure to pyrethroid insecticides and ADHD in Europe based on human biomonitoring

Benchrih; Brecht Devleesschauwer; Nina Wieland; Paul Scheepers; Deepika Deepika; Vikas Kumar; Gerardo Sanchez; Jos Bessems; Dario Piselli; Jurgen Buekers Source: Environmental Health, Volume 23, Issue ...

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