Zoekresultaten - 7 results
Patterns and drivers of excess mortality during the COVID-19 pandemic in 13 Western European countries
Keywords: COVID-19 COVID-19 / prevention & control COVID-19 Vaccines Western Europe Abstract: Background Important differences in excess mortality between European countries during the COVID-19 pandemic ...
Excess mortality in Europe coincides with peaks of COVID-19, influenza and respiratory syncytial virus (RSV), November 2023 to February 2024.
European countries during the 2023/24 winter season. Health Topics: Mortality Mortaliteit Mortalité Service: Épidémiologie des maladies infectieuses Epidemiologie van infectieziekten Epidemiology of ...
Real-time monitoring shows substantial excess all-cause mortality during second wave of COVID-19 in Europe, October to December 2020
The European monitoring of excess mortality for public health action (EuroMOMO) network monitors weekly excess all-cause mortality in 27 European countries or subnational areas. During the first wave of ...
Excess all-cause mortality during the COVID-19 pandemic in Europe – preliminary pooled estimates from the EuroMOMO network, March to April 2020
countries/federal states participating in the European monitoring of excess mortality for public health action (EuroMOMO) network, for the period March–April 2020. Excess mortality particularly affected ≥ 65 year ...
European all-cause excess and influenza-attributable mortality in the 2017/18 season: should the burden of influenza B be reconsidered?
excess and influenza-attributable mortality during the season 2017/18 in Europe. Methods Based on weekly reporting of mortality from 24 European countries or sub-national regions, representing 60% of the ...
Excess all-cause and influenza-attributable mortality in Europe, December 2016 to February 2017.
all-cause mortality was observed in many European countries, especially among people aged ≥ 65 years. We estimated all-cause and influenza-attributable mortality in 19 European countries/regions. Excess ...
High impact of COVID-19 in long-term care facilities, suggestion for monitoring in the EU/EEA, May 2020.
population group. Coronavirus disease (COVID-19)-related deaths in LTCF residents represent 30-60% of all COVID-19 deaths in many European countries. This situation demands that countries implement local and ...