Zoekresultaten - 285 results

Speeding up drug susceptibility testing in Mycobacterium tuberculosis using RNA biomarkers

addition to current DST s and can have a substantial impact on the TB diagnostics field. This tool can also play a vital role in identifying resistance mutations, thereby closing gaps in genotypic knowledge, ...

Susceptibility of Mammals to Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza: A Qualitative Risk Assessment From the Belgian Perspective.

based on the field and experimental data are therefore necessary to implement and adapt risk-based mitigation measures. This will require continuous monitoring of avian influenza viruses in both birds and ...

Protective efficacy of classical vaccines and vaccination protocols against an exotic Newcastle disease virus genotype VII.2 in Belgian layer and broiler chickens.

this velogenic APMV-1 VII.2 strain. For fully field-vaccinated 26-week-old layer chickens, high levels of specific antibodies were measured at the time of the velogenic APMV-1 challenge, resulting in ...

Lessons Learned from Active Clinical and Laboratory Surveillance during the Sheep Pox Virus Outbreak in Spain, 2022-2023.

Furthermore, additional insights were gained from the extensive laboratory surveillance performed on samples collected under field conditions. No evidence of Sheep pox virus infection was found in goats. Oral ...

Automatic detection of airborne pollen: an overview

potential there is for further advancement in the field of bioaerosol monitoring. Health Topics:  Pollen allergy Stuifmeelallergie Allergie au pollen Service:  Mycologie et aérobiologie Mycologie en ...

Tick-borne diseases in the North Sea region-A comprehensive overview and recommendations for diagnostics and treatment.

and the North Sea Region Programme, specialists in the field of tick-borne diseases from seven North Sea countries co-operated with patient organisations and governmental health care institutions to ...

Bridging the Gap between Field Experiments and Machine Learning: The EC H2020 B-GOOD Project as a Case Study towards Automated Predictive Health Monitoring of Honey Bee Colonies.

Publication Type: Peer reviewed scientific article Authors: van Dooremalen, Coby; Ulgezen, Zeynep N; Dall'Olio, Raffaele; Godeau, Ugoline; Duan, Xiaodong; Sousa, José Paulo; Schäfer, Marc O; Beaurepaire, Alexis; van Gennip, Pim; Schoonman, Marten; Fl ...

Policy brief Belgian EBCP Mirror Group – cancer research in Belgium

trials. However, translating outcomes from research to patients in the Belgian healthcare system has been less successful. Gaps in the collaboration between actors in the research field, have led to ...

Standardised reporting of burden of disease studies: the STROBOD statement

estimation, reflecting the dynamic nature of this field. Health Topics:  Burden of disease Fardeau de la maladie Ziektelast Service:  Information sanitaire Gezondheidsinformatie Health information Manuscript ...

Policy Brief – Survivorship is cancer survivorship the poor cousin of cancer control within the EBCP?

comprehensive cancer centres. Furthermore, we suggest further investment and support for research and knowledge exchange in the field of survivorship. Introduction The prevalence of cancer survivors is growing ...

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