Zoekresultaten - 8 results

Development of strain-level shotgun metagenomics approaches to detect and characterize microbiological contaminants in the context of food safety

based on the sequencing of all genetic material of the sample without isolation has become available some years ago, e.g. shotgun metagenomics. It allows to get a screenshot of every microbiological ...

Strategies to control the presence of microbial impurities, including genetically modified microorganisms, in food enzymes (PhD thesis)

Publication Type: Dissertation Authors: Marie Deckers Source: UGent, Gent, Belgium (2022) Service:  Activités transversales en génomique appliquée Transversale activiteiten in toegepaste genomica Transversal activities in applied genomics Manuscript versi ...

Development of a data-intensive centralized system for surveillance and outbreak investigation of bacterial pathogens using whole-genome sequencing

characterization of genetically modified organisms, and real-time tracking of pathogen evolution. For some of these projects, pathogen-specific end-to-end isolate characterization workflows were also made available ...

Development of molecular tools for rapid detection and quantification of indoor airborne molds to assess their impact on public health

analysis time.  However, qPCR has some limitations especially concerning the discrimination of genetically close species and multiplexing. The first issue was addressed through the use of post-qPCR high ...

Strategies to detect unauthorized GMO in the food and feed chain (PhD thesis)

choice for consumers, genetically modified organisms (GMO) legislations have been established in many countries, including in Europe (EU). However, the implementation of these legislations by the ...

Strategies to detect unauthorized genetically modified organisms in food and feed chain

Abstract: To guarantee the traceability on the market and the freedom of choice for consumers, genetically modified organisms (GMO) legislations have been established in many countries, including in Europe ...

Exploring the added value of Whole Genome Sequencing in routine and pandemic viral surveillance

the impact of genetic modifications on human disease. This thesis aims to explore the added value and challenges of this genomic approach for virus surveillance and how to overcome these challenges in ...

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