Zoekresultaten - 16 results

Sample preparation methods for elemental analysis in electronic cigarette aerosols: a critical review

impingers, many studies failed to validate critical steps such as aerosol recovery, blank corrections, and the extent of matrix effects. In addition, poor inorganic methodological practices were often applied, ...

QC as a basis for human application of phage therapy in Belgium

former Soviet Union. Unfortunately, the differences between Soviet medical practice and reporting of clinical data and the current regulatory standards upheld by Western countries make it impossible to ...

Guideline VBRN: Best Practice Guide for Electronic Platforms

to automate the submission and certification processes (OBPR / OCABR) for veterinary vaccine lots. This “Best Practice Guide for Electronic Platforms” is designed to share insights and recommendations ...

Belgian recommendations for analytical verification and validation of immunohistochemical tests in laboratories of anatomic pathology

equipment are common practice for today’s anatomic pathology laboratories. Few references or guidelines are available on how this should be performed. The study of Sciensano (the Belgian national competent ...

Human challenge trial workshop: Focus on quality requirements for challenge agents, Langen, Germany, October 22, 2019.

exposure studies need to be safe and results should be meaningful, e.g. contribute to a better cure. Both in the US and in Europe, the level of Good Manufacturing Practice required is related to the phase of ...

Chemometrical analysis of fingerprints for the detection of counterfeit and falsified medicines

Keywords: aims an analysi analysis AS at Chemometrics Control Counterfeit Counterfeit medicines data detection health Literature Medicine Multivariate ON Practice PRACTICES public public health Public-health ...

Commentary on the MID3 Good Practices Paper.

(MSWG). Also, there was agreement reached on the need for harmonization on good M&S practices and for continuing dialog across all parties. The MSWG acknowledges the initiative of the EFPIA ...

Overview of skin whitening agents with an insight into the illegal cosmetic market in Europe.

Volume 30, Issue 6, p.943-50 (2016) Keywords: Cosmetics Europe Humans Skin Lightening Preparations Skin Pigmentation Abstract: Lightening skin tone is an ancient and well-documented practice, and remains ...

First Belgian national EQA for special stains in histopathology

By providing a general report with individual comments and followupon poor performances, the program aims at stimulating the participants to adopt proper practices forhistopathological stains and hence ...

Quality control and batch release in practice: Belgian OMCL and polio eradication

Keywords: batch release Belgian blood Control Europe Practice PRODUCTS Quality Quality Control vaccine vaccines Health Topics:  Effectiveness and safety of vaccines, medicines and health products- Quality of ...

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