Zoekresultaten - 3 results

[Foot and mouth disease virus: transmission, pathogenesis, diagnosis and surveillance].

Disease Virus (FMDV), a Picornavirus belonging to genus Aphthovirus affects domestic and wild artiodactyls. FMD has a considerable socio-economic impact on agricultural production and trade in endemic ...

Global Burden of Animal Diseases: A novel approach to understanding and managing disease in livestock and aquaculture

and will show how it is apportioned by people’s socio-economic status and gender. The GBAD s Programme will produce a cloud-based knowledge engine and data portal, through which users will access burden ...

Overview of diagnostic tools for Capripox virus infections.

(Goatpox) with severe socio-economic impact in case of wide scale outbreaks. Therefore there is a constant need for adequate diagnostic tools. The assays must be fit-for-purpose to identify the virus quickly ...

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