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verheyen, b

Zoekresultaten - 10 results

The most likely time and place of introduction of BTV8 into Belgian ruminants.

Houtain, Jean-Yves; Pourquier, Philippe; VandenBussche, Frank; Verheyden, Bart; Kris De Clercq; Czaplicki, Guy Source: PLoS One, Volume 5, Issue 2, p.e9405 (2010) Keywords: Animals Belgium Bluetongue ...

Emergence of bluetongue serotypes in Europe, part 2: the occurrence of a BTV-11 strain in Belgium.

Wright, I M; Maan, N; Riocreux, F; Sanders, A; Nomikou, K; Raemaekers, M; Bin-Tarif, A; Shaw, A; Henstock, M; Bréard, E; E. Dubois; Gastaldi-Thiéry, C; Zientara, S; Verheyden, B; Frank Vandenbussche Source: ...

Bluetongue in Belgium: episode II.

Publication Type: Peer reviewed scientific article Authors: Estelle Méroc; Herr, C; Verheyden, B; Hooyberghs, J; Houdart, P; Raemaekers, M; Frank Vandenbussche; Kris De Clercq; Mintiens, K Source: ...

Determination of bixin and norbixin in meat using liquid chromatography and photodiode array detection

Publication Type: Peer reviewed scientific article Authors: Noppe,H.; S. Abuin Martinez; Verheyden,K.; Joris Van Loco; Companyo Beltran,R.; H.F. De Brabander Source: Food Addit.Contam Part ...

Transplacental infection and apparently immunotolerance induced by a wild-type bluetongue virus serotype 8 natural infection.

Publication Type: Peer reviewed scientific article Authors: Kris De Clercq; Ilse De Leeuw; Verheyden, B; Vandemeulebroucke, E; Vanbinst, T; Herr, C; Estelle Méroc; Bertels, G; Steurbaut, N; Miry, C; ...

Establishing the spread of bluetongue virus at the end of the 2006 epidemic in Belgium.

Publication Type: Peer reviewed scientific article Authors: Estelle Méroc; Faes, C; Herr, C; Staubach, C; Verheyden, B; Vanbinst, T; Frank Vandenbussche; Hooyberghs, J; Aerts, M; Kris De Clercq; ...

Bluetongue in Eurasian lynx.

Tine M; Verheyden, Bart I; Goris, Nesya E; Coignoul, Freddy L Source: Emerg Infect Dis, Volume 14, Issue 9, p.1496-8 (2008) Keywords: Animals Animals, Zoo Bluetongue Lung Lynx Health Topics:  Animal ...

Evaluation of antibody-ELISA and real-time RT-PCR for the diagnosis and profiling of bluetongue virus serotype 8 during the epidemic in Belgium in 2006.

Publication Type: Peer reviewed scientific article Authors: VandenBussche, Frank; Vanbinst, Tine; Verheyden, Bart; van Dessel, Wesley; Demeestere, Lien; Houdart, Philippe; Bertels, Guido; Praet, ...

Transplacental bluetongue infection in cattle.

Publication Type: Peer reviewed scientific article Authors: Kris De Clercq; Frank Vandenbussche; Vandemeulebroucke, E; Vanbinst, T; Ilse De Leeuw; Verheyden, B; Goris, N; Mintiens, K; Estelle Méroc; ...

Bluetongue virus antibodies in wild red deer in southern Belgium.

Verheyden, Bart; de Clerck, Kris Source: Vet Rec, Volume 162, Issue 14, p.459 (2008) Keywords: Animals Antibodies, Viral Belgium Bluetongue Bluetongue virus Deer Sentinel Surveillance Seroepidemiologic Studies ...

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