Zoekresultaten - 3 results
Acceptability to Healthcare Professionals of Home-Based HPV Self-Sampling for Cervical Screening: A French Qualitative Study Conducted in an Area with Low Access to Health Services
alternative solution (e.g., for women with vaginismus). The health professionals also identified several limitations of the self-sampling kit that will need to be addressed in future screening campaigns ...
Clinical evaluation of a GP5+/6+-based luminex assay having full high-risk human papillomavirus genotyping capability and an internal control.
+/6+ PCR, with a genotyping readout as an alternative for the more established enzyme immunoassay (EIA) detection of 14 targeted high-risk human papillomavirus (HPV) types. LMNX is additionally provided ...
Chapter 10: HPV testing on cervical cancer specimens: which assay can be used in cervical cancer screening.
hrHPV DNA test validated consistently in multiple studies against alternative comparator test: Cobas 6800 HPV Test. hrHPV DNA tests evaluated in only one study against standard comparator tests: CLART ...