Zoekresultaten - 61 results

Identification of valid and multidimensional quality indicators in diabetic foot care, useful to study quality of care in diabetic foot clinics- SQUIRMYFOOT (Scope of quality of care monitoring in the treatment of the diabetic foot)

Publication Type: Dissertation Authors: Flora Mbela Lusendi Source: Sciensano (2024) Health Topics:  Quality of healthcare Qualité des soins de santé Kwaliteit van de gezondheidszorg Diabetes Diabète Diabetes Service:  Étude des soins de santé Gezondheids ...

Policy brief Belgian EBCP Mirror Group – cancer research in Belgium

optimal use of investment and sustained excellence of Belgian cancer research. Belgium cancer research has an excellent track record in fundamental, translational research and phase I, II, III clinical ...

Assessment of the clinical and analytical performance of three Seegene Allplex SARS-CoV-2 assays within the VALCOR framework.

Publication Type: Peer reviewed scientific article Authors: Pui Yan Jenny Chung; Sharon Dhillon; Cindy Simoens; Lize Cuypers; Lies Laenen; Bonde, Jesper; Philippe Corbisier; Gerhard Buttinger; Clementina E Cocuzza; Steven Van Gucht; Marc Van Ranst; M. Arb ...

Unlocking the genomic landscape: Results of the Beyond 1 Million Genomes (B1MG) pilot in Belgium towards Genomic Data Infrastructure (GDI)

awareness and acceptance; V. Workforce skills and organisation; VI. Clinical organisation, infrastructure and tools; VII. Clinical genomics guidelines and infrastructure; and VIII. Data management, standards ...

Multicenter interlaboratory study of routine systems for the susceptibility testing of temocillin using a challenge panel of multidrug-resistant strains.

strains. Forty-seven selected clinical isolates were blindly analyzed by 12 Belgian laboratories using VITEK ® 2 (n = 5) and BD Phoenix™ (n = 3) automated systems, ETEST ® gradient strip (n = 3), and disk (3 brands) ...

Can REALQUALITY RQ-HPV screen be considered as a clinically validated HPV test for use in cervical cancer screening?

considered as a clinically validated HPV test for use in cervical cancer screening?” Health Topics:  Health and disease monitoring Surveillance de la santé et des maladies Ziekten en gezondheid in kaart ...

Evolution of patient characteristics and outcomes concerning diabetic foot ulcer care in Belgium between 2008 and 2020

multidisciplinary diabetic foot clinic outcomes Abstract: Background/Aims: Since 2005, recognized Belgian multidisciplinary diabetic foot clinics (MDFC s) participate to biennial audit-feedback cycles, allowing to ...

Validation of the Flemish-Dutch diabetic foot ulcer scale short form (DFS-SF) questionnaire for diabetic foot ulcers

the multidisciplinary diabetic foot clinic of Onze-Lieve-Vrouw Hospital Aalst, Belgium. DFS- SF items were reverse-coded so that high DFS- SF scores indicate better quality of life. Reliability was ...

Validation of the Flemish-Dutch Lower Extremity Functional Scale (LEFS) questionnaire for diabetic foot ulcers

multidisciplinary diabetic foot clinic of Onze-Lieve-Vrouw Hospital Aalst, Belgium. Reliability was assessed through the test-retest reliability (intraclass correlation coefficient (ICC)), internal consistency ...

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