Zoekresultaten - 117 results

Opinion on Synthetic Biology- I. Definition

1831-4783; ISBN 978-92-79-30136-0 Keywords: a additional an application Area Areas AS aspects assessment at Biology Canada Combination concept concepts Countries criteria definition Design Development ...

Proteomic detection as an alternative for the quantification of Staphylococcus aureus enterotoxins

With a recognizable extraction concept the toxin is isolated from the incriminated matrix. During the process of method development the toxin was spiked at various steps down the extraction procedure to ...

Increasing the Vaccine Potential of Live M. bovis BCG by Coadministration with Plasmid DNA Encoding a Tuberculosis Prototype Antigen.

p.181-95 (2014) Keywords: a Activation Adult ALL an antibodies Antibody Antigens approach approaches AS BCG Cell cells CODING Combination concept Control Dna effective Explanation immune response intradermal ...

Resolution metals and alloys: implementation and control new concepts

Publication Type: Scientific poster, presentation or proceeding Authors: F. Bolle; Fresenius Akademie Source: Fresenius Conference Residues of Food Contact Materials in Food, Issue Fresenius academy (2013) Keywords: alloy alloys conference CONTACT Control ...

The TREAT-NMD Duchenne muscular dystrophy registries: conception, design, and utilization by industry and academia

Publication Type: Peer reviewed scientific article Authors: Bladen,C.L.; Rafferty,K.; Straub,V.; Monges,S.; Moresco,A.; Dawkins,H.; A. Roy; Chamova,T.; Guergueltcheva,V.; Korngut,L.; Campbell,C.; Dai,Y.; Barisic,N.; Kos,T.; Brabec,P.; Rahbek,J.; Lahdetie, ...

Implémentation du concept de « Threshold of Toxicological concern » (TTC) au niveau des listes de substances utilisées dans les matériaux et objets en contact avec les denrées alimentaires.

Publication Type: Scientific poster, presentation or proceeding Authors: N'Goy,T.; Troisfontaines,P.; Els Van Hoeck; F. Bolle Source: 5èmes Journées Internationales de Toxicologie, NA, Issue ULg, NA (2013) Keywords: CONTACT de denrées alimentaires fo ...

Proof-of-concept study for successful inter-laboratory comparison of MLVA results

a proof-of-concept study showing that using such a set of calibration strains makes inter-laboratory comparison possible. In this study, 20 international laboratories analysed 15 test strains using a five-locus ...

Development of a molecular subtyping method for Salmonella Typhimurium combining different types of markers in a Luminex xTAG assay

Issue Luminex (2013) Keywords: 2008 a Antibiotic Antibiotic resistance Antimicrobial Antimicrobial resistance Belgium cause Common concept Confinement Correlation Design detection Development disease ...

A framework provided an outline toward the proper evaluation of potential screening strategies

a comprehensive framework for the evaluation of new screening strategies. STUDY DESIGN AND SETTING: Elaborating on the existing concepts proposed by experts, a stepwise framework is proposed to evaluate whether ...

Scientific Opinion of the EFSA Panel on Plant Protection Products and their Residues (PPR) on Evaluation of the toxicological relevance of pesticide metabolites for dietary risk assessment

ofmetabolites and degradates of pesticide active substances in dietary risk assessment. This opinionidentifies the threshold of toxicological concern (TTC) concept as an appropriate screening tool. TheTTC values ...

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